Saturday, June 21, 2008

Environment minister says Venezuela is asserting national interest in mining sector

Venezuela's environment minister said Saturday that the government will put national interests first in the mining sector and forbid mining in a forest reserve that is home to two of the country's largest gold concessions.
  • Minister Yubiri Ortega did not give a direct answer when asked if the government is planning to nationalize the mines. But she said Venezuela is 'taking control' to 'save and appropriate what is ours.'
The government will consider under-ground mining concessions, but negotiations must take into account 'what is left for the country,' Ortega said. She added that Venezuela will not permit open-pit mines or mining in the biologically diverse Imataca Forest Reserve because they cause environmental degradation and contaminate the country's water supply.

The country's gold, coal and diamond mines have 'benefited those who exploited them,' Ortega said, while what has been left for Venezuela is 'garbage.'

1 comment:

  1. Yak, Yak Yak, Thats all I hear. The # one Question I want answered is . All the infrastructure that has been built by Kry for the past two years and yes, the permit will be given and then this nitwit women wakes up and says no way , we will not alow open pit mining. Who and the hell woke her up, was she on drugs or in another Country for 2 or 3 years? Oh ,I get it ,the mining companies blew all that money and Venezuela Politico's made out like bandits . # 1--- I want this Question answered by her ,Why , after all this time and money spent did she wait to come alive and stop it ????? Somebody in the VENEZUELA NEWS NEEDS TO FIND OUT THIS QUESTION, AND I KNOW YOU CAN BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE CONNECTIONS. What a bunch of crooks running Venezuela , no laws ,no rules no prisons to put Crooks in except in Venezuelan Government . What a pathitic Joke. Send her this message or give me her Email at her office , if she has an office. If she don't answer it ,I know I'm right about Venezuelan Dictactor socialistic want to be Government . Nothing seemed to change , It's about time she gets into the 21 Century , throw out the old shool books and get up to date ones , espechially on Mining.. Print this and send her a copy.---- I want my Question answered.--- or did she go back to sleep.???
