Thursday, June 12, 2008

Democratic Party political lightweight Barak Obama describes Venezuela as a threat to US security!

VHeadline's Washington DC-based commentarist Chris Herz writes: No sooner than nominated by his party as the agent of change, Barak Obama went before the American-Israeli Political Action Committee to attest, most fervently, to his fidelity to the same old manure that US politicians have always spread about in the Middle East.

He is also on record in opposition to any form of national health insurance ... he disparages any attempts to repeal the so-called Patriot Acts (which allow government more or less unlimited police powers). He certainly has no intention of significantly modifying policy toward Cuba.

He describes Venezuela as a threat to US security ... he is entirely unwilling to reduce the swollen budgets of the military and "intelligence" agencies of the Imperial State. In fact, he pointedly makes no comment on how that last would have to be the first move in allowing government to find the resources to become anything other than a militaristic terror abroad and a burgeoning autocracy at home.

The US population is thus once again experiencing its quadrennial diddling at the hands of the corruption which is now, always has been and always will be the real ruler of our state. Someone wiser, much wiser than myself once said that the USA have only two real problems: The first being that the commoners believe they live in a democracy; the elites fear that one day they may have to do so.

For right now, a vast yawn of boredom and indifference is all that Venezolanos or anyone else beyond USA borders needs to arrive at a true understanding of US politics: Expect no substantial changes in the bellicose and aggressive posture of the USA for at least the next eight years. The coming change of government here in Washington is only an attempt to win a few more months for the achievement of victory in Iraq, the expansion of the Oil War into Iran, and perhaps Venezuela. Once these objectives are attained the US oligarchies hope to control all their potential rivals by having their hands on the spigot of the world's energy supply.

Only the catastrophic administrative incompetence and the unchecked personal corruption of the Bush regime and the unconcealed collaboration of most of the mock-opposition, the Democratic Party, has allowed the advancement of a political lightweight like Obama. But he will most assuredly not be permitted to launch any initiatives contrary to the wishes of big establishment money -- even in the unlikely event that he should wish to do so. Be assured that no one understands better than himself what might be the deadly results of even trying to represent the people who are being suckered into voting for him.

Since World War II the ruling elites here have spared no effort to prevent even a half-hearted program of reform by anyone in public life. No more Franklin D. Roosevelts will be tolerated. With their corporate media armed with the most perverse techniques of the psychological science, our elections and our parties have become so manipulated that they are a sick joke. The state system has, therefore, grown ossified to the point where, as Gorbachev found in the equally undemocratic USSR, that any effort at reform would result in a massive, splintering crash of the whole bankrupt edifice. All well-informed persons, within and without the USA are quite aware of this problem.

The rather astonishing willingness of the European and other corporate elites to continue, a la Tony Blair, in subservience to what is, after all, a really rather wacky and increasingly unstable Washington must be understood in the light of the above. Should the USA fail in the Middle East her whole militaristic polity is called into question. And since this military is the world guarantor of the corporate system of economics (and I certainly do not call this peculiar form of command economics capitalism) the consequence of her fall would be a complete shift in global priorities: Perhaps matters might go so far as to persuade people to tax, rather than glutting our elites. God forbid.

Since the Empire and its hangers-on are bound to be utterly hostile under all circumstances to any form of an independent Venezuela why the government there continues in its attempts to conciliate Washington is beyond me. Have they no reliable advice as to what is actually going on north of the Rio Grande del Norte?

From the imperial capital

Chris Herz

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