Friday, June 20, 2008

Crystallex will get permit approval soon ... my bet is on Robert Fung!

VHeadline commentarist and gold investor Dan Russo writes: Venezuela leading the entire world in murders ... with inflation and unemployment soaring out of control, recent polls show crime as the leading concern in Venezuela right now. Last year there were approximately 13,000 murders in Venezuela ... this is a staggering statistic.

Venezuela has the highest per capita murder rate in the world ... the gap between rich and critically poor continues to spread ... poverty and hunger are pervasive. People are begging for food and work. Corruption in the government which has plagued Venezuela's history continues full steam ahead.

Foreign Investment in Venezuela is dirty word around the world ... and so is 'Princess' Ortega!

The people want to work, but there are limited industries available to employ. That's why Chavez continues to talk big about attracting foreign investment.

Overnight, Hecla Mining in Idaho-USA reported that its is selling its mining interests in Venezuela to the Russian Agapov group's Rusoro. Wonder why? Basically, Hecla told Venezuela ... and Princess Ortega ... to kiss their you know what! They sent a message to the world that it's impossible to do business in Venezuela.

Wake up Chavez! This is just the beginning of a whirlpool effect that could take down investment in Venezuela like never seen before.

On the Crystallex front we heard some positive news from Minister Sanz who visited Crystallex' Remevin plant and is a plan for operations to begin. According to Crystallex V.P. of Investor Relations, Richard Marshall, their current cash position should be adequate through the summer of 2009. In my conversations with Chairman of the board, Robert Fung he'll make sure Crytstallex gets the financing it needs to see this project through.

  • As for rumors of bankruptcy ... they're simply that! ... just rumors started by investors who have short positions.
And, Mr. Fung told me he is anxious to get the social programs going and to continue their infrastructure rebuilding for workers and their families in Venezuela. When I speak with him, I come away with the feeling that he's a very polite and determined man who wants to do the right thing for Venezuelan's, stakeholders and the Venezuelan environment.

Robert Fung is on a mission to show the world that mining projects can be done without damaging the environment.

People continue to ask the same question over and over when are we getting the permit? I don't know exactly ,,, but what I do know is that we are closer then ever before! Mark my words, Crystallex will get permit approval soon ... my bet is on Robert Fung.

Dan Russo


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


1 comment:

  1. My question is , who is running Venezuela ?? Chavez has his head in the sand or up you know where. He seems oblivious to all the things going on . I'll bet they boot him out at the next election and, you can't blame them . He don't keep his word , people still out of work , shortage of food and he thinks that he will get reelected ?? That whole Government is inept,nothing but a bunch of Key Stone Cops. Allways changing laws , nothing is run on the up and up. You said a mouth full about Venezuela being in trouble . Seems to me Chavez runs around the world screaming and not making things happen at home. Nice Dictator ship, help family and close friends and the hell with everybody else. You say NO. I say Proof is in the pudding . Actions speak louder than words . He needs to quit screaming about the CIA and everthing else and get busy and make his word mean Yes and his No mean no . He also needs to get the rest of his enployies in line and to obey the laws and the rules and not keep changing them. Chavez is begining to look like he can't run anything but his mouth. I really thought he was going to do a good job for all venezuelan's .It is begining to look like the same ole crap all over again. Seems like he is gaining more enemies than anything else. He dosen't seem to know what the hell is going on in his own government . Mr. Chavez, if you don't get your act together your own people will run you out of town and Venezuela . Get off your ass and find out whats needed and provide it , your the big Guy now , your supposed to do a better job than the other so called leaders. Not so easy is it?? You had all the answers for the people and Venezuela , what happened ? Your Government seems to move like a Turtle and it dosen't know which direction to go or for that matter what to do. Better get moving or your own people will give you their middle finger. There is no excuse for whats going on and you know it. So, what you gonna do ???????????????????????????? The Word is Watching and , I;m hopeing you get it moving in the right direction .
