Friday, June 20, 2008

Alan Woods speak to 200 workers at PDVSA Monagas

Some 200 oil workers from PDVSA listened attentively Alan Woods launching his book Reformism or Revolution. Marxism and socialism in the 21st Century (Reply to Heinz Dieterich), in a meeting which took place in the PDVSA headquarters in Monagas. The event started at 9am with a press conference by Alan Woods with the regional and national media, which was then followed by a speech to the workers and finished at lunch time with the official launch of the book with the comrades of PDVSA Oriente management. Many of these managers are veteran leaders of the Venezuelan left who, after many years struggling against the bourgeois regime of the IV Republic, are now heading the country's most important industry. Between the press conference and the official launch of the book, Alan Woods spoke for an hour, dedicating the bulk of his intervention to rebutting the arguments of the reformists, something which is also the basis of his book: 'I wrote this book to answer the reformist ideas of Heinz Dieterich'.

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