Saturday, July 5, 2008

Venezuela should ask the Russians to establish anti-narcotics operational bases along the border with Colombia...

VHeadline commentarist Carlos M. Pietri writes:
Over the course of this week, Bush's representatives have, once again, manifested their preoccupation and told the world that Venezuela is a key conduit for Colombian drugs going to the United States and Europe.

The Venezuelan response to this declaration was that over the last years our country has seized great amounts of drugs ... which is the best proof of the great job they're doing.

If we took these declarations into account, we can conclude that both are right, since if the government is seizing great amounts of narcotics, is very probable that it could be due to the existence of greater traffic through our territory.

Accepting the Bush government's statement on Venezuela as being a key conduit for Colombian drugs and with the intention of minimizing the Bush team's preoccupations, I dare to present the following proposal to President Chavez: Since the USA antidrug organizations have, repeatedly, proven their inefficiency to fight narcotics production in Colombia (and in other part of the world: Mexico, Afghanistan, etc., where it has increased after their intervention) and since Russia is collaborating with Venezuela in economics and military requirements, our country must consider asking the Russian government for the establishment of some anti-narcotics operational bases along the Venezuelan border with Colombia.

I believe that with this proposal, Venezuela would benefit from Russia's international expertise in the matter and, at the same time alleviate the Bush regime's concern for this area of Latin America.

It's a great idea, don't you think?
Surely Washington cannot fail to endorse that...

Carlos Miguel Pietri Espinoza


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


1 comment:

  1. Bush is a joke , he can't even protect our boarders or run our country right. He is too busy sticking his nose in other countries buisness. A good President , Bush is not . I don't blame any country for refusing U.S. troups to seek out drug smugglers and to have a base in their country. They would start to try to change that countries ways also. If the United States was a kid , nobody would want to play with him. If you wouldn't play his game with his rules , he take his game and go home and get his big brother. It's getting to be that way, who likes the United States for what it stands for anymore. Greed , Lies ,Everything short of Treason. A Government gone bad and it looks like there is no one in the near future will work to change anything. The Government causes the problems and they never try to correct the problems they cause. Now the whole world is in a mess and it was our Government that did it . On the stock boards , we said 3 and four years ago that these Derivtives Markets was going to kill us if they didn't stop them, but our Great leaders were too busy playing poker . No accountability to no one , Greed , Lies and, Big money is running our country , and our Great Leaders just sit on their dups , doing nothing , with their greedy hands out . Our Congress is the biggest Joke of all . We need to elect all new Congressmen and , don't vote for any encumbents . Thats the best signal to send them. Bush is worried about drugs ?? Shit , it's comming in from both borders and he wants to go to another country to stop them?? We're being invaded by illegal emmergrants and too top it off their being given our retirement and getting every thing we have to work for . All we hear is their going to change the immergration laws . I say leave them alone an inforce them . IOf you need help , Im sure there is about a couple of million Americans that would be glad to send their sorry asses back where they came from. Government sit on their ass and does nothing , What in the hell good are you anyway // I say you all are good for nothing except stealing our money and our Liberties . Sorry Bush you are a wash out , useless , but I really think you already know that so, you can leave office with your tail between your legs. What America needs is for all the TV stations to shut down so, Americans can see what is happening in this country. It's getting worse ever year but Americans are being lied to by then news channels and the Media . Americans are too busy working to pay Taxes and the rest of the time Playing and watching the Boob Tube . Wake up People before it is too late . Hey , I am a Patriot , if I wasn't I would not waste my time trying to get Americans to wake up and see what is happining to this Country . Right under your noses , they are really getting brave . I think it's time for all Americans too get braver and put a stop to all the coruption going . Clinton , Oboma , McCain, not one is going to change one thing except raise our taxes to pay for their stupid mistakes. And it go's on and on. I think a law should be passed , If your are a Lawyer , you can't run for any government office . The corruption would be cut by 3/4 and that would be a good start. Remember , what Clinton said , ( I never had sex with her. ) Are you getting my point .Very concerned American , a Patriot.
