Saturday, July 5, 2008

Reformed Catholic Church leaders want to give the impression that the Catholic Church in Venezuela is divided

  • VHeadline reader Mark Nelson of Toronto, Ontario, Canada has asked us to
    publish this letter as "a matter of urgency"...

I commend Archbishop Roberto Luckert of Coro and vice president of the Venezuelan Bishops'' Conference for deploring the founding of the self-proclaimed "Reformed Catholic Church," whose leaders have aligned themselves publicly with "Bolivarian Socialism" and are receiving financial backing from the thinly disguised totalitarian government of Hugo Chavez.

The leaders of the Reformed Catholic Church want to give the impression that the Catholic Church in Venezuela is divided. They are going to dress like priests, baptize and confirm, with everything paid for by the government, which seeks in dictatorial fashion to destroy the Catholic Church and has not been able to so. Nor will it's evil agenda succeed.

The leaders of the church have no authority from the Catholic Church. The people of Venezuela should know that the priest that is leading the reform group of heretics has asked to be freed from his ministry.

The supposed bishop they are going to ordain on July 29 was scandalously living with a woman and her children outside of marriage. His name is Jon Jen Shu Garcia, and he's a young soldier of the National Guard who belongs to the military chaplaincy. The other leader is a former priest who left the priesthood some time ago and married, and during an interview in Panama he said that his vocation was conquered by love. We are dealing with two priests who have resigned. Their motivation is lust over love and the destruction of Catholicism.

The worst part is that this is being paid for by the government which has contracted Anglican priests from Canada, Mexico and Peru. They are going to dress like priests, baptize and confirm, with everything paid for by the government, while the people are going hungry.

With kind regards,
Mark Nelson
45 Lyall Avenue
Toronto, Ontario.
(416) 481-4659

This letter is published for purposes of democratic debate. VHeadline does not necessarily share the views of named authors who are solely responsible for their opinions under freedom of expression guaranteed in the 1999 Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark!

    Of course you might not know who I am, but I write columns for VHeadline off and on.

    I strongly believe in the separation of Church and State, thus I am totally opposed to the NEW pseudo-Catholic Church that was created in Venezuela to support President Hugo Chavez Frias.

    Since I strongly oppose any politician getting involved in the area of religion, I also oppose religious figures delving onto politics.

    What, I see in Venezuela is that a New Church is being created, that is not really any different to the Church created by King Henry VIII in 16th Century England. It is not so much that I dislike politics meddling in religion, but the havoc that comes after. Too many people try to twist religion to suit their own ends and misuse its power. While I am opposed to Catholicism, even though I am a Catholic by birth, I do not want things to get any worse than they already are.

    I recall that Bayern (Bavaria) in Germany was the seat of Catholicism, yet it became the birthplace of Nazism. That must never happen again, because it will cause more harm than good, and things cannot ever return to normal again.


    Kenneth T. Tellis
