Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- July 16, 2008

The European Union (EU) parliament has sent the deputy president of its justice, freedom and security committee, Jacques Barrot to Caracas on a damage control exercise after President Chavez and other South American leaders criticized the controversial EU parliament Return Directive dealing with illegal migrants. Speaking in Caracas, Barrot insists that Latin American countries have misunderstood the directive and argues that if the anti-immigration legal framework is not implemented, there is a serious risk of xenophobia increasing in Europe. What Europe wants to secure, Barrot clarifies, is an adequate treatment for people who are illegally in Europe. In seven countries, he maintains, people are being kept in detention indefinitely, which is a violation of human rights and for that reason the directive attempts to "humanize treatment towards illegals." The EU is selling the idea that the directive is ready to provide legal assistance for those migrants arrested, guaranteeing their human rights and economic assistance on the part of member states to help them return to their country of origin. Barrot concludes that there is a constant dialogue between the European Union and nations where migrants come from, especially countries to which European immigrants fled after wars seeking a new life, countries now claiming that their citizens are being treated like criminals in Europe.

Opposition Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) leader, Omar Barboza has announced new agreements between opposition parties regarding unitary candidates to state governorships. The opposition, he proclaims, has reached seven definite consensus regarding candidates to the states of Apure, Carabobo, Nueva Esparta, Sucre, Trujillo, Vargas and Zulia. Three states are still under discussion, namely Guarico, Portuguesa and Delta Amacuro, while in Yaracuy there is an effort to support the "politically persecuted" former State Governor Eduardo Lapi, currently fugitive from justice. The following are the candidates: Miriam de Montilla (Apure), Henrique Salas Feo (Carabobo), Morel Rodriguez (Nueva Esparta), Eduardo Morales Gil (Sucre), Enrique Catalan (Trujillo), Pablo Perez (Zulia) and Roberto Smith (Vargas).

President Chavez visited Ecuador on Tuesday to inaugurate construction work on the Pacific refinery in Manabi province. Chavez and Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa were present at the signing of a joint-venture between the Ecuadorian State petroleum company, Petroecuador and Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). The President has also opened a centre for environmental monitoring that will minimize ecological impact of the refinery on the nearby Pachoce forest. The petrochemical project is expected to be ready in 2013 and requires investment of $6.6 billion. President Chavez calls the refinery another example of Latin American integration, stating it will help Ecuador end oil imports.

Pro-government parties belonging to the Patriotic Alliance (AP) are showing growing frustration at the absence of the majority United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in AP meetings. The Patriotic Alliance is appealing to President Chavez as a last resource to intervene to set up a meeting of all groups supporting the revolution. The latest and fourth meeting without the PSUV was called by the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) leader, Oscar Figuera, who reports that the meeting was positive and insists that the PSUV should join the unitary process. The attitude of the PSUV leaders, AP leaders complain, has left them no alternative but to go to the top.

AP member, Unidad Popular Venezolana (UPV) leader, Lina Ron says there are sectors inside the PSUV the that want to see the revolution defeated. "One thing is President Chavez and another is the PSUV leadership ... I believe there are elements that are playing for the defeat of Chavism before going for my commander Chavez." One of the main factors causing friction between the majority PSUV and minor parties is integration and revolves around alleged imposition of PSUV unitary candidates, an attitude which minor parties called subordination.

Interior & Justice (MIJ) Minister, Ramon Rodriguez Chacin suggests that "private" non-governmental organizations (NGOs) could be involved in the case of self-kidnapping of family members of inmates at the Rodeo 1 prison in Guatire, Miranda State. The Minister says there is a suspicion that groups influenced by US imperialism are seeking to destabilize and disqualify the advances and successes of the Bolivarian government in penitentiary matters over the last year. The current protest, the Minister points out, is because a court has ruled that a certain leader in Rodeo 1 does not deserve to be freed since he has committed assassinations while inside the prison. The Minister insists that the government has managed to reduce violence in prisons and hunger strikes and there is a constant dialogue between protesters and government officials.

During a planned visit to Russia next week, President Chavez has announced that he will discuss the setting up of a Russian-Venezuelan State bank to secure economic and financial independence and invest in development projects benefiting both countries. The proposal has been seconded by Russia's finance Deputy Minister, Dmitri Pankin. Chavez has stated that his visit will strengthen the strategic alliance between Caracas and Moscow and during his stay he will inspect a system of tanks that Venezuela hopes to purchase. Venezuela has already purchased 24 Sukhoi-30 fighter planes, 50 armed helicopters and 100,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles.

Patrick J. O'Donoghue


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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