Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Las Brisas del Cuyuni gold mine refusal was based on a ban on industrial developments in the Imataca Forest Reserve

VHeadline Venezuela News reports:
In today's (Tuesday) editions of the local newspaper, El Diario de Guayana, Isidro Casanova writes that although the Environment Ministry (MinAmb) has refused environmental permits for the Las Brisas del Cuyuni gold mining project at Kilometer 88 in southeastern Boliva State, Gold Reserve has filed an appeal to Minister Yuribi Ortega de Carrizales asking her to reconsider the decision claiming that the original decision was based on a ban on industrial developments in the Imataca Forest Reserve.

Community Relations manager Carlos Guia is quoted in El Diario de Guayana as saying that the project had fulfilled all the bureaucratic processes and had received all approvals except for a final environmental permit. "Having completed everything that was required, we were just waiting for the project to be launched when after a year's delay what we got was a revocation (of the permit) ... naturally, we have appealed that decision and we are asking Minister Yubiri Ortega de Carrizalez to reconsider the decision. We're waiting for her response and in the meantime we continue working. We have been in the area for 15 years and we have invested over US$300 million. Moreover, the company has made significant investments in acquiring mining equipment. Orders were placed abroad and that's another important investment. We're still waiting for a response from the minister and we continue to develop our program of assistance to communities."

"The Las Brisas del Cuyuni project has 11 million ounces of gold in proven reserves and 28,000 tonnes of copper (which has a very low environmental impact) and, on scientific advice, we will also protect the middle of the Cuyuni river basin ... in some parts of the basin, will restore the environment taking into account that alluvial gold is not the only reserve in the Cuyuni basin ... the operation of the mine is open cast with maximum security to protect the environment."

Carlos Guia refers to the continued economic benefits of the Las Brisas del Cuyuni project, saying that the company will employ 2,107 people on construction and expansion of the mine and then create 1,140 direct jobs. Meanwhile the Las Brisas project is still active, fulfilling an initial program pending a response from the Environment Minister.

El Diario de Guayana reports that the Las Brisas Project provides for a number of social ventures including an effective support to sports facilities ... the Sports Cup 2008, designed for 1,000 athletes, took place in San Isidro with a soccer, volleyball and other sporting events for children, young people and adults. Each sports stadium in San Isidro has a monitor donated by the Las Brisas Project.

VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.

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