Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fedecámaras forecasts inflation over 30 percent ending this year

President of the Federation of Trade and Industry Chambers José Manuel González said that the 2008 inflation will surely go beyond 30 percent.
He asked the government to balance supply and demand through a true endogenous development in order to curb climbing prices. Everything looks like in an election year, the government will take plenty of money out to the street and this obviously will tend to trigger inflation. Most certainly, ending this year, it will be over 30 percent,' added González. At the 38th International Congress of the National Council of Industries (Conindustria), the top representative of the business association made again an appeal for legal security in order to attract investments; better the domestic output of goods; increase job creation, and improve wellbeing. He insisted also on the need to remove exchange control and regulated pricing.

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