Executive Vice President, Ramon Carrizalez has criticized opposition Metropolitan Mayor of Caracas, Antonio Ledezma for setting up a metropolitan security commission. Carrizalez says the measure contravenes the spirit of a united police force reflected in the new National Police law. The law does not allow state governments to create a police force without the necessary authorizations.
According to the president of an organisation called Colombians in Venezuela, Juan Carlos Tanus, there are 4,200,000 Colombian migrants living in Venezuela. Tanus comments that Venezuela has advanced in immigration matters but there is still a lot to do. Over the last 10 years the standard of life for migrants has improved in Venezuela, especially because of medical attention in the Barrio Adentro program. Tanus says details of Colombians resident in Venezuela comes from a study undertaken by a group called Movilidad Humana. The majority of the migrants live in Zulia State and it is believed that in Tachira State at least 30% of prisoners there are Colombians. 82,000 Colombians entered Venezuela in 2007 as migrants.
Two former Police Detective Branch (CICPC) officers have been handed down a sentence of 15 years in prison for transporting 698 kg of cocaine from Tachira State to Anzoategui State on April 1, 2008. Diomar Cabeza and Johnny Monsalve (CICPC) and civilians, Geronimo Dominguez, Jose Escalante, Emilio Vargas and Jose Chacon are the names of the persons involved in the narco-trafficking ring. The police agents were arrested at a National Guard control search of the vehicle, despite its carrying the logo of the Tachira CICPC. The civilians were arrested later and also received prison sentences.
The Comptroller General's Office has disqualified 15 civil servants from public office for three years for alleged irregularities and corruption. The officials belong to the Mucuchies municipality mayor's office in Merida State. Among those listed are former mayor, Avelino Villarreal. Others on the list have been penalized with a loss of salary for six months. Those affected by the measure have 15 days to lodge an appeal at the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ).
The National Assembly (AN) has approved the first reading of the constitutional amendment favoring continuous re-election to the presidency. The reading was opposed the Podemos parliamentary group and three deputies saved their vote. Podemos party leader, Ismael Garcia has been under severe pressure recently after personal attacks led by National Assembly president, Cilia Flores, who yesterday read out a list of opposition figures re-elected to public office continuously over the last 15 or more years. Flores also claims that she has a video showing Ismael Garcia supporting a motion for presidential re-election in 2006. Podemos' argument against the amendment is based on the fact that it was one of the proposals rejected at the referendum in December 2007.
Ismael Garcia and members of the parliamentary Podemos group have questioned the validity of signatures collected by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), claimed to be around 4 million in support of the amendment, stating that they would not stand any audit. Boxes containing signatures were brought into the National Assembly as evidence of majority support for the constitutional amendment.
President Chavez has ordered a rest period for those involved in the amendment signature campaign. Christmas is time to be with one's family and people have been working hard politically, the President states, adding that next year will be decisive for the advance of the Bolivarian revolution.
Patrick J. O'Donoghue
Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.
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