Sunday, December 28, 2008

Chris Herz: Bombing designed as another surgical strike ... how about a Gaza-type siege of Caracas?

VHeadline's Washington DC-based commentarist Chris Herz writes:
The carefully controlled imperial press and TV here in the USA are explaining the Israel/US attack on Gaza as an entirely justified bombing designed as another surgical strike to root out the rocket-firing HAMAS terrorists. Of course nothing could be further from the truth.

Gaza City is one of the most heavily and densely populated places on the planet. It is not possible to fire airborne rockets and missiles and bombs into this city from US-supplied aircraft moving at 1,000 kmph without causing extensive civil casualties: Apparently some two hundred thus far in just the first few hours of the bombing.
As to the excuse ... the launching of home-built crude rockets into Israeli
territory from within Gaza, this comes after literally months of siege inflicted
on the city whilst a truce was in effect assuring not one of these simple
rockets would fly.
Apparently not even most shipments of food by the United Nations have been allowed entry by the Israelis, who totally control all ingress to the besieged city. Obviously, the Gazans are desperate and hope their almost harmless gesture of defiance can somehow cause the world to focus on the starvation of an entire city -- the worst such since the Nazi siege of Leningrad in World War II.
  • I think the whole world needs to look at this horrible business and study on just how long they are to support the USA and her imperial junior partner.
I have heard many times from our European friends especially, how some political and even military support for the USA from her transatlantic allies is due -- at least as payback for the liberation of Europe in World War II. And, of course, many in Europe feel great moral burdens due to Hitler's anti-Jewish holocaust -- enthusiastically supported by many from France to Ukraine.

But, I cannot count the times I have heard from good US conservatives over the years that they think we fought on the wrong side in that great war ... that Communism was always the much greater threat to the USA than ever was Hitler. This is also not something the commercial media cares to point out to people beyond our borders. And of course, whether it is Social Security, the right to form independent labor unions, or the rights of minorities to legal parity with whites, the whole of the tradition of Rooseveltian liberalism has been explicitly and totally rejected for the last 40 years by all US regimes, including the new, incoming Barack Obama government.

Obama calls for expansion of the US war in Afghanistan, maintenance of the war effort in Iraq, expansion of the US military by perhaps as many as 92,000 ground troops.
Complicit in the fact that these facts are not widely known in the USA are the corporate media. And this is no accident. Already it is clear that Social Security and such pitiful public medical aid is available here will be vastly scaled back or curtailed in coming months.
The Obama government has, even before it takes power, been compelled to share intelligence and war departments with its conservative supposed rivals. What we have here is government designed for failure, for inability to launch policies in new directions. Chairwarmers for a new conservative government, perhaps headed by Sarah Palin or Jeb Bush in 2012.

Those nations and peoples beyond our frontiers who have not found it easy to live with the policies of George W. Bush, owe it to themselves to do everything they can to accelerate and exacerbate the plunge of the US economy.

Only once we can not any longer field navies and armies across the world, only this can prevent the outbreak of another World War.

How about a Gaza-type siege of Caracas?

From the imperial capital

Chris Herz

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