Friday, December 5, 2008

Chris Herz: A somewhat more articulated version of the murderous bumph and codswallop you'd find at Fox News

VHeadline's Washington DC-based commentarist Chris Herz writes: I've always been an admirer of a successful operation by real professional con men. And there are in the whole world no better, more skillful practitioners of the art of fleecing the greedy and stupid than our US political and public relations types.
  • The look of stupefied outrage on the face of the mark when he realizes his wallet has been emptied, without his even noticing, is always a comic high point.
Over the last several days, as the impact of Obama's appointments and real policy movements has become ever more clear, or perhaps I should say ever more difficult to ignore, the sweet, sheep-like faces of our good liberals show this lovely blend of outrage and bewilderment.

So many thousands actually even gave money, to say nothing of actually having worked to get a guy elected, whose task is unmistakably only to serve as a Carteresque chair-warmer until some more reliable Republican can be elected in four years to continue our plunge into social stratification and theocratic governance.

There are millions around the world who clearly understand that the USA are irreversibly committed to empire as their basic foreign policy, and thus, to some modernized version of Fascism as their domestic policy. Much is even written to this effect in mainstream media outlets in Europe, Asia or Latin America, the last especially always well-informed as to the motives of the many Messers Dangers to the North. My attitudes are hardly even controversial -- except within the USA.

Here even rather liberal people wish to hear nothing denunciatory of the basic benignity of the USA and her leaders.

This is the phenomenon we shall explore in today's column.

Most of the Obama voters were knowledge workers, or young student aspirants to such work. They tend to a rather better level of rote-training in what passes for education nowadays than the majority of their Republcan peers. But they are also quite as vulnerable to manipulation by trusted authorities.
  • Where the Republican upper-class types are motivated by a well-understood idea of personal gain, there really are not all that many such people. They must bring the ignorant along through the corrupt Churches or by subtle appeals to white supremacy. This is the faith-based crowd.
But liberals follow their own secular teachers and pundits with their own set of core beliefs beyond question. And chief among them is that socialism equals communism, socialism equals weakness. And no, some mutt working part-time at Wal-Mart cannot enjoy the same health-care as us the educated, valuable members of society. And if rich Republican bankers need to bankrupt the state in order to sustain Wall Street, so too do the liberals in order to keep their 401k (private retirement) accounts from total write-off. There is an whole body of liberal media, starting with National Public Radio which is designed to provide the proper corporate spin to these people. But at the end of the day it is nothing but a somewhat more articulated version of the murderous bumph and codswallop you'd find at Fox News.

Of course Joe Sixpack, trying to get by on what Wal-Mart sees fit to pay, does not have any form of private savings, nor after the bailout is done will he have any possibility of social security.
But Joe, if he votes at all votes Republican. And the youngsters voted Obama. So they are going to get what they deserve.
Because at the end of the day, they all share with the rich and the corporadoes is that because they are all Americans they are entitled to take from others by military force whatever is needful for the good life.

From the imperial capital

Chris Herz


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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