Spanish euro-deputies have launched another attack against the Venezuelan government. Partido Popular euro- deputy, Carlos Iturgaiz is spearheading the attack at a plenary session of the European Parliament proposing a condemnation of President Chavez for refusing to "abandon" the presidency. The deputy told Parliament that last year Venezuela had rejected a referendum proposed by Hugo Chavez to prolong his term in office. Iturgaiz accuses Chavez of trying to modify the law to stay in power, showing clearly that he is not a democratic leader. The deputy also calls on Venezuelan society to defend democratic values and freedom. The out of context initiative is seen as another phase in the campaign launched by Venezuelan opposition so- called roving diplomats aided and abetted by the Spanish right-wing.
President Chavez has highlighted Cuba's presence at the Latin American and Caribbean summit of heads of state and governments, which takes place today in Brazil. The summit is unusual in as much as it will take place without the presence of the United States. The President, along with Foreign Minister, Nicholas Maduro, will be attending the meeting, which he calls historic because for the first time Cuba, excluded for years, will attend. Several other summits are coming up, such as the Southern Cone Economic Zone (Mercosur) and the Union of Southern Nations (Unasur).
Fourth judicial circuit judge (Aragua), Mayorie Calderon has denied the release from prison of former police commissioners, Lazaro Forero, Henry Vivas, Ivan Simonovis and eight Metropolitan Police (PM) officers for alleged criminal acts during the April 11, 2002 coup d'etat against President Chavez. The plaintiffs' defense lawyer says the sentence has violated the Inter American Human Rights Court and accuses the courts of keeping his clients in remand and deliberately delaying the sentence.
Speaking at a meeting of the movement of non-aligned countries at UNESCO, Venezuelan representative, Rebecca Sanchez Bello has once again called for a new world system of communications and information. The diplomat declares that the time has come to put Venezuela's proposal into practice and set up strategies among member countries. During the meeting, Venezuela urged the drawing up of a resolution to be presented at the 181st session of the UNESCO directorate. Sanchez Bello cited the launching of Venezuela's Simon Bolivar satellite as an example of South-South cooperation and technological sovereignty.
President Chavez says George W. Bush should go before an international tribunal to respond to the victims of his "error" in Iraq. Chavez also joked about the shoe-throwing incident during Bush's press conference in Iraq, stating that the US President was lucky that the shoes did not hit him, otherwise they would have broken his mouth and nose. The President compares the journalist to a baseball pitcher and says the shots were like two curve balls. Chavez made a statement after a meeting of the Council of Ministers in Miraflores. It will be a good idea, Chavez suggests on TV, if the Venezuelan Media Front starts a solidarity campaign for the journalist to ensure respect for his human rights!
Patrick J. O'Donoghue
Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.
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