Saturday, July 19, 2008

Venezuela's new OAS envoy advocates a more robust hemispheric community

Ambassador Roy Chaderton Matos, Venezuela’s new Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS), in presenting credentials to Secretary General José Miguel Insulza on Friday, spoke of his country’s interest in “seeing a stronger sense of inter-American solidarity. In presenting his credentials during the ceremony at OAS headquarters, the Venezuelan envoy expressed the view that “every member must make an effort towards strengthening our community of nations for it to become a more diverse and stronger organization with a great future ahead. Chaderton pledged his utmost professional, political and personal commitment to collaborating with the other OAS Member States and with the Secretary General in “the endeavor of plurality, perseverance, tenacity, tolerance and understanding to shore up the foundations of democracy in the hemisphere, in pursuit of social justice.”

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