Saturday, July 19, 2008

Military Intelligence (DIM) acts on extortion complaints from gold miners, 30+ soldiers to face military tribunal

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: Venezuela's Military Intelligence Directorate (DIM) has detained some thirty National Guard (GN) officers and a Captain from TO-5 Detachment 88 in southeastern Venezuela after complaints from small-scale and artesanal miners at El Limon that the troops have routinely been engaged in extortion and had confiscated their gold.

The accused's commanding officer, named as Captain Rodriguez Font, will appear before a military tribunal at TO-5 headquarters in Ciudad Bolivar later today, Saturday.

Miners throughout southern Bolivar State have constantly complained they are tired of the mistreatment by the military and how soldiers threaten them to extract payments to be allowed to purchase supplies of controlled fuel, or simply to steal their gold ... but very few are prepared to be identified for fear of reprisals, which are frequent. It is known that many officials prey on the occurrence illegal mining claiming they are only doing their required duty but a sufficient pay-off generally secures a blind eye given to illegalities and the government-controlled sale of fuel is seen as a lucrative business by troops in the more remote areas of Bolivar State where regulatory agencies are absent and the law of the jungle prevails.

Military High Command is keen to clean up the act of subordinates in the area but lawlessness is endemic and especially in La Paragua, Las Claritas, Tumeremo, Kilometer 88, Ikabaru and other profitable mining areas.

On Tuesday (July 22) a military tribunal is also to hear charges against General Alberto Betancourt Nieves and a twenty-two of his soldiers on similar charges of extortion and Military Intelligence is working on new procedures connected with both cases to afford witness protection to those who come forward with evidence to bring an end to such criminal acts by armed service personnel.

VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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