Saturday, July 19, 2008

Russia-Venezuela Cooperation Focuses on Military-Technological Area

Cooperation between Russia and Venezuela focuses on the military-technological area, although these two countries could cooperate in other areas as well, in the view of a number of Russian Federation Council members. Viktor Ozerov, the head of the Federation Council defense and security committee, told Interfax in the run-up to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's visit to Moscow, 'Russia is interested in expanding markets for its military hardware. This is not a secret to anybody, and this is done by all states possessing enough weapons and military hardware.' Russia trades weapons only with countries that do not violate international law and UN Security Council resolutions, Ozerov said. 'As a rule, emphasis in trade with these countries is made on defensive rather than offensive weapons,' Ozerov said. In addition to economic benefits, military-technological cooperation promotes trust between countries and helps resolve other issues, Ozerov said. 'If this or that country chooses you as a partner in such an important issue as military-technological cooperation, this opens up opportunities for resolving other issues, not only military-technological ones, and provides the chance for building relations in other important aspects of international security,' he said.

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