Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Chávez asks for strengthening defense to preserve the peace

'We want peace, but in order to preserve the safety and the calm of the nation, it is essential to strengthen our defense,' stated the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, at his arrival to Moscow on Tuesday (22) morning.
At the airport of the Russian capital city, Venezuela's President stated that the 'United States talks about antimissiles and threats us with placing their Fourth Fleet in the Caribbean waters, they keep their terrorist policies, of war; in exchange, we talk about shields anti-hunger, for a fairer world, a dignified world, and we are beginning to create it.' Thus, President Chávez recalled that 'Washington sent the IV Fleet to the Caribbean and Latin America after the sixties, and that decision constitutes a threat against Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Latin America complete.' Regarding the strengthening of the gun park of the nation, President Chávez expressed that 'In the technical military area we will also keep progressing in order to supply Venezuela's defense system, so we can grant the sovereignty of our nation, which is threatened by the United States and its Fourth Fleet.'

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