Monday, July 21, 2008

Venezuela Launches New Child Care Program

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has announced the launch of a new child care social program designed to assist children in situations of risk or separation from their families.
Chavez announced the three-step social program at a ceremony here to mark the annual National Day for Children and Teenagers, observed on the third Sunday of July. For the first nine-month step, Chavez has approved a budget of over 122 million U.S. dollars. Investments during the nine-month period in the child care sector covers the implementation of a national plan to designate substitute families for 250 children, the construction of 10 shelters for 300 children and the construction of communal houses for 2,400 children in situations of risk arising from their living environment. The program also covers correctional facilities for of 540 children and therapeutic treatment for teenaged drug abusers.

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