Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama's new regime should be regarded as strictly a caretaker, pending a conservative return to power in 2012!

VHeadline's Washington DC-based commentarist Chris Herz writes:
Well, we've had our October surprise, and Barack Obama is to be 44th president of the USA. The meltdown of Wall Street, and the panic-mongering necessary to allow its denizens the latest orgy of looting the public treasury effectively removed any chance of Republican John McCain capturing the job -- which without these economic problems he most certainly would have.

Today's big news is that US President-elect Barack Hussein Obama has requested of Illinois (Chicago) Congressman Rahm Emanuel that he serve as Chief of Staff. In this office Mr Emanuel will oversee the vetting, nomination and appointment of all cabinet appointments as well as all the other lesser government officers serving at the pleasure of the President.

Mr Emanuel is the maximum leader of the conservative faction of the Democratic Party. He, with the Clintons was a primary author of its historic shift to the right, and thus of what electoral success it has enjoyed. He is an ardent Zionist, an whole-hearted supporter of the military and of the various wars now raging throughout the Muslim world.

Names being bruited about for cabinet positions include Robert Gates, who is more likely than not to retain his job as Defense Secretary. Some people are saying that Henry Paulson will also remain at Treasury, although this is less certain. Indiana Republican Senator Richard Lugar is also a possibility for Treasury, with some saying he is destined for the State Department (US Foreign Ministry).

Mr Ben Bernanke will certainly remain head of the Federal Reserve.

The picture we are now getting is that of a weak administration, modeled on that of Bill Clinton: The new regime having no real constituency it is unprepared to betray, will have to govern at the sufferance of those Republicans and other "moderates" disgusted with the incompetence and transparent corruption of the Party of God.

To contrast the forthcoming Obama government with that of out-going President George W. Bush is most revealing as to where are found the true lode stones of political power in the imperial motherland. We will all remember the Bush government started with a bang: The nomination of all hard-right figures for its cabinet and sub-cabinet officers. Not one single concession to bi-partisanship.

But, with no real philosophy of governance of their own, the Democrats of the Clinton/Obama/Emmanuel stripe must ever whore after what are more naturally Republican constituencies -- the churches, the military, big business, etc. As the first Black president, as Maggie Thatcher as first female Prime Minister of Britain, Obama will be compelled to show himself as bellicose abroad and as given to the plunder of the poor by the rich at home as any other US politician.

All the bumpf of the McCain campaign; that Obama was somehow a closet socialist boils down to exactly 3%. That being the difference between what these two men thought millionaires should have to pay in income taxes.

If anything, Obama's insistence that Jerusalem should wholly belong to Israel, that US forces should operate freely within Pakistan or Syria and with 92,000 additional ground troops is more strident that was that of his relatively more moderate Republican opponent. All this in congruence with the positions of Mr Emanuel.
  • We already see as well an expansion of the meddling of the USA in the training and deployment of police and military forces in Latin America and Africa. With the predictable results in the Congo already. Look for more, much more on the part of the in-coming government.
Without the ability to effectively challenge the corporate corruption centered around our military, our healthcare industry and our telecommunications monopolies, it will be impossible for any government to take effective measures to reduce either the hemorrhage of red-ink in the economy, or the onrush of recession. We will also be in the grip of a massive price-inflation, similar to that which helped bring down the Carter government following the liquidation of the Vietnam War.

Thus this new regime should be regarded as strictly a caretaker pending a conservative return to power in 2012.

From the imperial capital

Chris Herz


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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