Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Las Verdades de Andres (Izarra)": The TRUTH, the whole TRUTH ... and anything but the TRUTH!

VHeadline editor & publisher Roy S. Carson writes: At first sight I thought it must be a joke! But Venezuela's Minister of Communications & Information (MinCI) Andres Izarra is seriously launching a "Venezuelan Truth Campaign" ... in what he claims to be an honest effort to combat a media circus he sees as being conducted by all and any media that is NOT under his direct and personal control...

The publicity bumph attendant upon the launch of says that it will show the achievements of Venezuela's Bolivarian government in videos, numbers, photographs and truthful information as a "permanent response to manipulations by the privately-owned media"!

Indeed an admirable communications & information exercise if indeed it were to be truthful...

BUT! The significant truth is, however, that "Las Verdades de Andres (Izarra)" is just another paranoid effort on the part of the Chavez administration to shout down 'Miguel's Truths' -- "Las Verdades de Miguel (Salazar)" -- which sends shudders up and down the spines of corrupt and spineless government officials each successive Friday as the original "TRUTHS" -- not Izarra's pseudo copy-cat -- hits the newsstands across the nation.
  • The problem ... at least from my way of looking at it ... is what Andres Izarra is trying to achieve? He has already proven that 'nationalizing' the media to serve the exclusive party political interests of the President just doesn't wash.
I used to regard Andres Izarra as a honorable man!

He HAD had the cojones to tell Marcel Granier where to stick it when the multi-millionaire Radio Caracas Television (RCTV) mogul told him to broadcast Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse cartoons when, as the TV station's news director, he would rather have broadcast live feeds from President Hugo Chavez Frias return to power after the April 2002 coup d'etat by USA-funded 'Dictator-for-a-Day' Pedro Carmona Estanga.
  • But the progression of just six years since then have seen the transformation of an otherwise ethical professional journalist into an even more manipulative Venezuelan version of UK Tony Blair's Alistair Campbell ... and then some!
We've seen how he turned Venezolana de Television (VTV) -- admittedly with bagman Yuri Pimentel's help -- into a party political broadcaster for and on behalf of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) ... President Hugo Chavez' invention to supposedly unite disparate factions on the left of Venezuela's political theater under a single banner to achieve greater impetus for the Bolivarian Revolution.

We've seen how Izarra turned the former national VENPRES news agency into the party's own 'APN-Novosti' as the re-born Bolivarian News Agency (ABN) and how the Ministry of Communications & Information (MinCI) itself no longer represents the wider interests of the honest people of Venezuela, but rather the exclusive set of party political hacks who visualize vile assassins under every bed-sheet as they stagger onwards seeking to create denial of what's really happening in Venezuela.

Of course -- from their (Izarra's and the government's) point of view -- it is NOT without reason.

What family unit, much less a nascent political party such as PSUV, does not shy away from washing filthy bed-linen in the public glare of an opposition that also seeks every opportunity to negate true advances and achievements ... but Izarra's problem is that simply turning a convenient spotlight on the positives does NOT in any way deal with the negatives, which continue to exist and even fester in the self-indulgent obscurity of the very denial of that negativity. Cockroaches do tend to scurry when the light is switched on ... and perhaps, in switching OFF the lights to "the Truth", Andres Izarra should be mindful of the fact, as he seeks to build his own Murdoch empire in South America, after being cut off at the knees on such an ambition with TeleSur -- Chavez' (and his!) fanciful ambition to counter CNN en Español...
  • Can Izarra's attempts to impose his version of "Las Verdades"/The Truth on an unsuspecting world achieve anything other than further failure and a further calcification of original civil service organizations to the dictate of party political (read: PSUV) interests?
Where $1.2 million in start capital and $50,000 a month have failed to make inroads in North America with the stultifyingly inept VIO (Venezuelan Information Office) in Washington DC and it's hillbilly clone, the Venezuelan Information Centre (VIC) in London-England, we're now informed that fawning Le Monde Diplomatique director Ignacio Ramonet has given up his well-paid sinecure at the aforementioned publication in Paris-France to join the ever increasing queue at the Chavez government-funded pig-trough.

In sheer desperation, apparently, Izarra and bagman Pimentel (of VTV destruction fame), seem convinced that foisting "Las Verdades de Andres" on an unsuspecting public will somehow blanket out the real TRUTH i.e. that the Venezuelan government -- no matter the fantastically noble ambitions with which it started out ten years ago -- just isn't going anywhere in a hurry, other than straight down the plughole with corruption and malfeasance infecting every strata of its existence and Chavez either unable, unwilling (or quite possibly incapable, through his own involvement in it!) of doing anything about it!

That, regrettably, is the state of where Venezuela is placed just a week before local and regional elections should determine the nation's future and the destinies of 25+ million Venezuelans who are being dragged down with it, under the auspices of the current mayhem in the hallowed halls of the Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas.

God willing, the people of Venezuela will be able to use the last vestiges of their democratic voting rights to send a strong signal to Venezuela's leadership that enough is enough!

Although Chavez himself is NOT on the electoral execution block this time around, Venezuelans, in Venezuela and around the world, have this last opportunity -- next Sunday -- to save Venezuela's democracy ... to cut out the cancer of corruption with ballot box precision, and to let Chavez know -- in no uncertain terms -- that violent rhetoric and continued paranoid refusal to enter into dialogue with a new and more youthful, pragmatic, political opposition will only achieve his self-destruction more assuredly than any assassin's silver bullet or a few kilos of well-placed Semtex can ever achieve.

Izarra's come lately attempt to re-write the record of the Chavez government's failures and inability to live up to its original ambitions, is just another shot in the increasing darkness into which he (Izarra) seems prepared to facilitate the country's armies of cockroaches to find refuge.

Rather ... the full flood of lights should be switched ON to show Chavez/Izarra/Pimentel and the present infestation of corrupt and incompetent administrators, aided and abetted by false-flagged revolutionaries, that it is only by open acceptance of the REAL TRUTH and a clear admission of very obvious failures, that any move towards national salvation and the President's 3Rs (Rectification, Revision and Reform) can possibly -- even at this eleventh hour -- become a reality for Venezuela, before it is already much too late!

Roy S. Carson


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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