Wednesday, April 30, 2008
US Reports on Terrorism 2007: On Venezuela, could you expand a little bit more on what you think Hugo Chavez is up to?
Grassroots respond by making unprecedented criticisms of the right wing within the Chavista camp!
Las Cristinas: fears that the project could be delayed further or nationalized
Venezuelan ex-general sentenced in 2003 bombings
Gold Reserve President A. Douglas Belanger wasn't immediately available for comment after Crystallex crash!
Crystallex meltdown ugly, but not surprising
Chavez is not cooperating with U.S. anti-terror efforts and has 'deepened Venezuelan relationships with state sponsors of terrorism Iran and Cuba
Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- April 30, 2008
During a Council of Ministers meeting, President Chavez has announced that 3 billion bolivares will be spent on education and distributed in the following manner:
Housing & Habitat Ministry will refurbish 161 schools, extend 199 and
build 57 new schoolsThe Infrastructure Ministry will refurbish 160 educational buildings, extend
197 and build 50 new onesThe Environment Ministry will build 47 new institutions, extend 197 and
refurbish 160.In other words, the President concludes, 1225 educational installations will
benefit from the funding.
Yesterday, Chavez opened the Simoncito infant school in El Valle (Caracas) and at the same time, a Bolivarian secondary school in Cumana (Sucre) with 16 classrooms and 21 computers, and schools in Cojedes, Zulia, and Tachira.
As Venezuela gears to celebrate Workers Day, the opposition Confederation of Workers of Venezuela (CTV) is calling for a wage increase 40% to fight the effects of inflation. CTV general secretary, Manuel Cova suggests that workers' salaries should be in accordance with bloated salaries that top public officials are receiving. Cova criticizes the government for applying an anti-inflationary policy. According to the CTV, inflation ended 22% in general in 2007 and food prices suffered 42%. The opposition trade union march on May 1 will be one of protest, Cova announces, as he complains that employers should have been present in salary increase talks and expresses concern that the nationalization of companies does not offer sufficient guarantees to workers.
National Union of Workers (UNT) national coordinator, Marcella Maspero has also questioned the high salaries the government officials are receiving in relation to workers' salaries and highlights what she calls the "need to seek an integral social salary." The proposed integral social salary, Maspero argues, will force a review of health, education, tourism, recreation and job policies. Maspero insists that the inequality of salaries must be reviewed and updated. The central is also demanding the elimination of subcontracting because it exploits workers, avoids collective bargaining and prevents workers from joining trade unions. The UNT will march from La Bandera to Carmelitas tomorrow to support President Chavez' policies.
The Hands Off Venezuela solidarity group in London is supporting Ecuadorian citizens after Home Office officials and British police entered an Ecuadorian business in South London searching for undocumented workers. According to a report on the group's website, police "broke through doors and intimidated all those found in spots known to be frequented by Latin Americans, the majority of them, Ecuadorians." The Latin American Contingent in London will march from Farringdon station to Trafalgar Square on May 1 at 12 o'clock. The march will protest against the treatment of Ecuadorians by the British police, reject the racist campaign of the Santa Cruz province in Bolivia, support trade unionists and social movements in Colombia and express solidarity with the successes of Venezuelan workers on the road to Socialism.
The Interior & Justice (MIJ) Ministry will open a penitentiary community in Coro (Fal con) today. MIJ Minister, Ramon Rodriguez Chacin says it will be part of a new penitentiary socialist system to help prisoners reintegrate into society with their families. The family, he states, will share productive socialist work with inmates organized in cooperatives and families will be able to lodge near the penitentiary centers opening the possibility of establishing real family communication. The Minister adds that the architectural concept of the new penitentiary communities will help personal development and aid reinsertion into society.
National Guard (GN) General (ret.) Felipe Rodriguez has received a prison sentence of 10 years and three months for his involvement in placing explosive devices in front of the Spanish and Colombian consulates in Caracas in 2003. His colleagues, Raul Diaz Pena and Silvio Merida Ortiz received prison sentences of nine years eight months each. Rodriguez was one of the generals who violently opposed President Chavez and occupied the Plaza Altamira in 2002 in an effort to bring down the government.
According to a report on website, PSUV vice president General (ret.) Alberto Muller Rojas has confirmed the expulsion of Barquisimeto Mayor, Henry Falcon, and National Assembly deputies, Wilmer Azuaje and Wilmer Perez for prematurely launching their candidacies to regional elections. Deputy Luis Diaz has also been expelled from the party for using undemocratic methods to criticize the government. Yaracuy State governor, Carlos Gimenez has also received the chop, alleging that the reason is his support for Deputy Luis Tascon's bid to the Metro Mayor's Office in Caracas. Gimenez himself is facing charges of corruption. Falcon retorts that the party is jumping the gun and that anyway he will run as an independent and Chavist.
Patrick J. O'Donoghue
Crystallex plunged 46 per cent Wednesday after the miner said it had been denied a permit for exploration work at its key Las Cristinas project
Las Cristinas authorization to affect natural resources to carry out exploration activities in the mining area denied!
Harry Mannil, in Venezuela: Former officer in Estonia's political police and German security forces during Nazi occupation of Estonia
Venezuela under Chávez Frías is on the path of economic ruin
Venezuela’s armed forces have discovered a camp set up by a Colombian militia group; arrest four
Bad planning, along with an overvalued currency, slow Chavez' drive.
Power restored to Caracas after much of Venezuela hit by power outage

It is much easier to play cards with the deck stacked in your favor by a corrupt dealer
Looking at our system from the outside must be for the uninitiated much the same agonizing exercise as was once labored over by reporters in trying to pierce the mysteries wrapped in enigma that was the Politburo of the late great Soviet Union.
Nothing important, nothing real is ever stated outright in public by either politician or reporter. We whose job it is to follow the news are force fed a constant diet of nasty stuff about flag pins or being under enemy fire as little girls present bouquets of Bosnian flowers. Or a former prisoner of the Vietnamese, one who collaborated with his captors is presented as some sort of hero. Sometimes it even descends to the level of who is boffing whom. All pure codswallop. But once in a while the mask slips. Totally by accident we are allowed to see the ugly faces under it. If we've the courage to lift our faces and take a look.
And so it is with the tremendous media-manufactured din about the former pastor of Barak Obama's church.
There's quite a lot here to think over.
First of all, no one is allowed anywhere near the Senate of the United States unless a lot of very rich and important people consider him or her to be a reliable and corrupt servant. Not of the people as an whole, but of the one or two percent of our populace who control 40 or 50 percent of all capital assets in the USA.
All three remaining contenders for the presidency, the two Democrats, Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, and the Republican, John McCain more than meet this criterion. Yet because he has not been long in the Senate, only 4 years or so, and then before that he was only an obscure and rather inactive state legislator in Illinois (from Chicago) there persists a very small element of doubt in certain elite quarters as to whether Obama is perfectly trustworthy.
Clinton and McCain have had much longer track records in public life. Their friendliness to all the favored agendas of the rich and well placed is thoroughly understood without the slightest doubt. For years they've loyally done the bidding of their masters in voting for war, for tax favors for the wealthy, for corporate trade deals, for favored defense contractors. Long have they both wallowed in all the stinking corruption that is Washington. Each is a known quantity.
Our masters did not get rich by taking chances. It is much easier to play cards with the deck stacked in your favor by a corrupt dealer. And that is what these politicians are all about.
At the same time, the natives out there in Oshkosh are getting restless. They are waking up to the fact that for two generations they have been experiencing a real fleecing at the hands of the corporate state. And with unemployment at well over 13 percent, and inflation running at at least that level as well, there looks to be no way out for most of the population.
Ignoring the doctored official statistics, the real standard of living for working-class Americans has been in decline since at least the inflationary period following the Vietnam War. Matters now are getting so serious at the gas station or the grocery store that reality is starting to overwhelm the TV propaganda. There's a nasty mood out there.
Clearly in recent weeks many of the powers that be in the media have decided to take no chances and to knock off Obama. The extensive and more or less accurate reporting of the statements, in themselves also accurate (if bitterly phrased) knocking American anti-Black racism by retired Pastor Jeremiah Wright, an old friend of Obama's, is going down without stay or hindrance. It is an wholly shameless effort to mobilize the racism that has always been the chief factor in the electoral choices of most lower-class whites.
The USA and its elites are under such severe economic pressure that the survival of even our weak and purely nominal constitutionalism is hardly possible. Some form of authoritarianism is seen as the only way forward for the once-mighty warfare state. And only Clinton or McCain armed with the provisions of the so-called Patriot Acts can be trusted with the leadership of the empire.
I think we will see this sort of nasty stuff all the way to November.
From the capital of the Empire,
Chris Herz
General Raúl Isaías Baduel, the ex Defence Minister of Venezuela says the country is in a stage ‘prelude to an insurrection’
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Venezuela's recent $4 billion debt sale doesn't have IMF clause
Government fails to sign Sidor collective contract, union threatens stoppage
2nd UPDATE:Blackout Affecting 40% To 50% Of Venezuela-Official
Venezuela's Chavez seeks agreement with steel maker Sidor over nationalization
Caracas' metro train system ground to a halt, traffic lights went out and mobile phone services collapsed across the country
Widespread power outages in Venezuela
Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- April 29, 2008
United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) electoral technical director, Willian Lara has asked National Elections Committee (CNE) president, Tibisay Lucena to change the venue of updating the electoral register, currently situated in municipal offices. Lara says there is concern that the updating of the electoral register is taking place within the confines of municipalities because a number of situations have arisen whereby persons who are not of the confidence of the mayor are being denied access to the service. According to Lara, the reply of the CNE has been positive. It may be worth noting that while Communication & Information (Minci) Minister, Lara himself was accused of denying opposition journalists access to public institutions for news and information.
Barinas State deputy to the National Assembly (AD), Braulio Alvarez has confirmed the assassination of two peasant leaders. Alvarez reports that Freddy Aragosa and Luis Perez, who have been important figures in the fight for lands in the area died after receiving bullets in the back on Sunday evening. In Cojedes State, three persons involved in the agrarian struggle were wounded after a surprise attack by an armed group. Alvarez denounces a destabilizing plan in the countryside that has been placed in action and calls on State security agencies and the Attorney General's Office to start an investigation. The two incidents highlight a series of attacks on agrarian leaders throughout Venezuela. Assassinations of leaders have been part and parcel of the situation in the states of Zulia and Tachira over the past few years.
The Patriotic Alliance of pro-government parties is expected to meet today for the third time to discuss regional elections and the selection of candidates. It has been learned that the Patria Para Todos (PPT) party will raise the issue of nepotism in the choice of candidates and propose mechanisms to avoid corruption in the process. It would also appear that the PPT is not satisfied with the way conversations have been held with allied parties coordinated by the PSUV vice president, General (ret.) Alberto Muller Rojas. However, it would appear that political motivations are behind the move because PPT general secretary, Jose Albornoz is slotted for the Guarico governorship. Although Albornoz has not confirmed his aspiration, he has let it be known that he will attend political meetings in Calabozo, the state capital.
Prices for chicken and flour have been given a rise, while the price of eggs has been deregulated. The changes have appeared in the Gaceta Oficial. Last week, President Chavez adjusted maize prices and this week it's the turn of chicken. The price of chicken has received an 84.8% average adjustment from Bs.F 4.50 to 8.39 bolivares. While eggs have been deregulated, the government affirms its faculty to regulate prices at any given time. Harina Pan (maize bread powder) will go from 1.40 a kilo to 2.07 bolivares (47.8%).
Patrick J. O'Donoghue
Venezuela Crushes Paramilitary Camp
Monday, April 28, 2008
Report: caution on U.S. sanctions on Venezuela
Plane crash kills 4 in Venezuela
Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- April 28, 2008
On Saturday, President Chavez announced the creation of a high command of science and technology to supervise all projects sent in by Venezuelan inventors. The President himself saw some of the inventions during an exposition of inventors in Caracas. Chavez insists that the country should build its own technological style and says he was impressed by some of the exhibits during the Popular Innovators and Inventors Fair in Caracas.
Primero Justicia (PJ) leader, Julio Borges has replied to a commentary by President Chavez that he has been not trying to introduce the constitutional reform by stealth. Borges insists that Chavez has an obsession to present by stealth a constitutional reform that was rejected by the people in December 2007. The President should stop saying it wasn't me, Borges insists, because it doesn't suit him. Primero Justicia is combating popular assemblies because it insists that Venezuelans are very clear in what they want and would never accept Chavez' "febrile ambition to try and control everything." Borges proclaims that PJ want Venezuelans to be protagonists, to decide the education of their children and to be proprietors of what they own, however humble it be. The party disagrees with any "intravenous injection of Socialism because Venezuelan values are completely contrary to a personalist, centralizing and controlling project."
A multitude of believers assembled in Caracas to attend the beatification of Venezuelan nun, Mother Candelaria de San Jose. Cardinal Urosa presided over the ceremony, stating that Mother Candelaria is an example of what the Church does day after day, namely personify the triumph of faith over disbelief, love over hatred and solidarity over egotism and indifference, peace over violence and war. Around 30,000 people, mostly from the provinces, attended the ceremony at the University Stadium in Caracas and another 20,000 watched the ceremony via TV screens at the Olympic Stadium.
During his Sunday radio show from the fishing and cocoa village of Chuao (Aragua), President Chavez asserts that Venezuela will not be affected by the world food crisis. This year, the President recalls, all his Sunday radio talk shows have been dedicated to the topic. Furthermore, the President boasts, Venezuela will be able to help other countries confront the crisis. During the program Chavez did admit that his government was slow to address agricultural problems but the Agriculture & Lands (MAT) Ministry has been financing and providing technical assistance and training to peasants to increase production of products that form the domestic basic diet. During the show, socialist agrarian fund (FAS) president, Ricardo Sanchez reports that more than 1,600 small to medium producers as well as 82 communal projects throughout Venezuela have received funding from his organisation. Sanchez confirms that the FAS will be able to finance 1.3 billion bolivares for work on 400,000 new hectares this year, in conjunction with the agricultural bank. Last week, the President raised the price of corn and sorghum 30% and yesterday was informed that cocoa crops in Chuao had increased 300% in two years.
Commenting on the choice of PSUV candidates to represent the government in elections this year, President Chavez says that he has received a list of candidates to State governors and Mayors. Chavez reminds party members that there can be alternative candidates inside the PSUV and there must be unity around the issue. "We cannot return to commit the same errors as Podemos made using elections to traffic posts." However, unrest has been observed in states such as Yaracuy and Zulia where people have been contesting what they call impositions from party hierarchs who have failed to take into account the votes of locals.
In his weekly column editor/publisher, Miguel Salazar has coined a new phrase to depict a new political phenomenon he calls, "chaverism." The term applies to a growing trend of nepotism among Bolivarian leaders, grooming sons, daughters and other family members for key positions. The examples of budding dynasties provided are centered on Lara, Portuguesa, Nueva Esparta and Falcon States. Miguel also highlights the return of the nefarious practice of freebies on state-owned planes, something that President Chavez criticized and stopped when he came to power in 1999.
Patrick J. O'Donoghue
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Chavez threatens to expropriate steel maker Sidor
Chavez confirms he will work for release of US hostages
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is 'ready to help re-engage in negotiations' for the release of three American hostages
Venezuela's Chávez wants government monitoring of news
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Miami man with links to a Venezuelan spy agency pleads guilty to being an illegal agent in an alleged $800,000 coverup
Ex-congresswoman names Colombian president in political bribery scandal
In an interview broadcast last weekend but recorded nearly four years ago, Yidis Medina says she was promised political favours in return for voting for a bill that allowed Uribe to run for re-election in 2006. Medina described herself as the swing vote on the measure, which passed 18 to 16. Prosecutors say the Colombian Supreme Court ordered Medina's arrest on Friday. A lawyer for the former congresswoman says she plans on surrendering Monday or Tuesday after taking care of some personal business, including the care of her two daughters.
In these dreadful, turbulent times, revolutionary Venezuela cannot afford to lose its foreign supporters, another loyal mouthpiece in English
VHeadline commentarist and University of Los Andes (ULA) Political Sciences Professor, Dr. Franz J. T. Lee writes: Reading two recent articles -- "Venezuelan student leader who challenged Chavez wins prize" and "Venezuelan Student Movement Leader Awarded $500,000 Milton Friedman Liberty Prize" -- I arrived at the logical conclusion that their venomous content reflects precisely that what is to be understood by a typical ruling class non-governmental 'think tank,' namely, what the National Endowment for Democracy (NED, a mind and thought control laboratory and a mental holocaust is all about.
In a nutshell, they form part and parcel of brutal 'preventive wars,' of genocidal 'military humanism,' of global, torturing terrorism.
These anti-Chavez diatribes and lies, and the occult funding of coupsters camouflaged by 'winning' international 'prizes,' explain what is the ruling class objective and role of academic ideology and its corresponding myths and half-truths.
It is obvious that we need more formidable international defense weapons in the English language to protect President Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution from all these attacks that come from the very filthy structures of the capitalist system. Its watch-dogs, howl from the pulpit o the bomb, inexorably they attacks the 'democratic quail" of revolution and emancipation.
For more than a decade VHeadline in English and Spanish was at the front of the international battle, in the "war of ideas." In the meantime, a few die hard fighters cannot finance such a momentous project anymore, because, at its peak, also at the height of the Iraq invasion, our website already had nearly a million English readers a month.
In these dreadful, turbulent times surely revolutionary Venezuela cannot afford to lose its foreign supporters, another loyal mouthpiece in English.
We tried all over to launch VHeadline again, but because of lack of funds, we may have to discontinue the project altogether, unless the Bolivarian revolution itself comes to the rescue. In the interest of democracy in Venezuela we urgently have to neutralize the contagious, epidemic lies against us, and globally to inform the world about true realities, about the new Conquest in
Latin America.
We urgently appeal for material help, otherwise our very enemies will win another battle of the 'Disinformation Highway' in English.
Once more, in the name of imperialist, corporate class interests, that is, of State violence and of globalized terrorism, the bottom line of such funding to student leaders is very simple: it is part of a carefully planned new Vandalic conquest of Venezuela's natural wealth and resources, of its huge oil and gas reserves, of its biodiversity, strategic metals, minerals, oxygen and fresh water. This institutional violent corruption produced in rightist academic circles and factories of bare-faced, blatant ideology, this corruption of the youth, of the best, of the future, is the worst form of corruption, is a capital, cardinal crime against humanity.
However, let us look at another level of this news topic.
- Across history we encounter big bullies, big brothers, also 'great societies,' in which the rulers and their lackeys just feel great, are megalomaniacs. Very few insiders seem to note the Lilliputian character of the immediate downfall of the United States of America. All great empires in history fell armed to the teeth, the latest example was Great Britain.
In global capitalism and imperialism, not the massive manufacture of arms of mass destruction, not the global over-production of bellicose goods and materials, not the 'mother of all bombs,' not
'cluster-bombs,' determine world hegemony; to sell these goods in a belligerent atmosphere, to realize extra and super profits, to accumulate more than a billion dollars a week, that is big business, is power, is world power, is world war.
This is the only thing that currently matters for the overlords and warlords in Washington D.C.
It seems that these days not even Exxon Mobil qualifies for this economic hazard any more. The myopic Cyclops in the White House and the terrorist Goliaths in the Pentagon seem to sense the real crash of their dollar, to have a premonition of their demise from world power. This is why by the hour they are becoming more brutal, more desperate, more terrorist. They try to provoke
President Chavez, to ignite civil war in Latin America, are working hard to 'balkanize' the sovereign states and the continent itself, like they did it in Eastern Europe, but their time is running out, the very planet is in agony, the very human species may perish soon as the result of globalized capitalist greed, avarice and egoism.
President Chavez warned that the warship 'George Washington' is passing us in the Caribbean very near to our coasts, and is heading towards Brazil, but this is not the real invasion ... it is much more subtle than this: it is like a thief coming in the darkness of the night, who is already infiltrated in our very beds.
It is from inside where the greatest danger will come, is coming already.
However, the massmedia knows how to deviate attention away from the crash of the US dollar, therewith the US economy, and which could affect the whole world market. The 'black sheep' in the 'axis of evil' are not sufficient to distract attention away from the urgent preparation for urgent world wars.
Not only is the health of Mother Nature again of concern in the headlines, psychologically an end-of-times scenario has to be created, must be indicated scientifically that the threat to the human species is natural, it has occurred over and over in the past. We, the humans were just
lucky to escape extinction, nut now, this time, the outcome is not sure. This mechanism of manipulation, of hiding the true state of affairs from public attention is an old trick of fascism.
Finally, let us look at the big transhistoric truth, at the colonial lies against Africa, at fascist racism against our 'foremothers,' against humanity itself.
So, what is new, is the latest patriotic headline from Washington D.C., from our 'homeland'? What do extensive genetic studies tell us about our past luck?
At last, important news from 'Dark Africa,' from the 'cradle of humanity.' "Humanity was nearly wiped out 70,000 years ago!"
According to intensive genetic studies of Stanford University, some external factors (perhaps droughts), caused 'all black' human species, homo sapiens to be reduced to small groups of about 2,000 individuals 70,000 years ago.
- If this 'genetic information' should be true, it would detonate apartheid, racism and fascism: the theory of the white 'master race' ... in fact, it would put all ideology topsy-turvy.
In terrorist globalization, the above is simply too good to be true.
Could we seriously imagine an African "Eve" and a Black "Virgin Mary" ... they surely would not fit into the erotic '90-60-90' patriarchal master plate. This African Eve is no other than Pacha Mama or Caribay in indigenous beliefs, Gaia or Isis ... she is the light, fire, eros, creative power of human emancipation, she is our only concrete hope for survival.
The report in the "American Journal of Human Genetics" actually confirms that studies "using mitochondrial DNA -- which is passed down through mothers -- have traced modern humans to a single "mitochondrial Eve," who lived in Africa about 200,000 years ago."
Hence, even the Holy Bible is obsolete. It is time that the Vatican not only updates the 'Ten Commandments,' but also the whole 'Genesis' till the 'Revelations,' to include all the black descendants (and prophets) of our archaic, authentic mother, the African "mitochondrial Eve."
It would not be a bad idea to change the Rembrandtesque religious colors ... for example, to paint the guardian angels of paradise in black.
There is no capitalism without racism, and there is no racism without accumulation of capital.
Only global class struggle can eliminate all those prices and prizes intended to corrupt the youth, to alienate humanity and to keep it in bondage forever.
Franz J.T. Lee
Will urge Venezuela to use diplomacy to help pressure the United States to liberalize immigration laws
Embedded with the 'Tupamaros'
Friday, April 25, 2008
Is this U.S. sabre rattling an attempt to squelch Latin Americas defence plans?
Thus instead of NATO there would be in place a South Atlantic Treaty Organization to take care of the defence needs of all of South America and the Caribbean.
Just last week, Fernando Lugo a former bishop of Paraguay won the Presidential Elections. Fernando Lugo a leftist at heart and is suspected of being under the influence of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
That of course rang alarm bells in the U.S. ... they rushed to judgment and because he was a leftist held the view that it was not democratic, because he was not of the right-wing stripe that they consider democratic.
The fact that the election was free and democratic made no difference the western news media, both in the U.S. and Europe. But in their misguided view Fernando Lugo was a threat to democracy.
Does one remember that this same view was held when priests were elected in the Nicaraguan elections and the Sandinistas won some years back?
- The poor priests in Latin American have always been accused by the Catholic hierarchy of being followers of Liberation Theology and thus leftists.
So men like Fernando Lugo are disliked by those who see them as a threat to their power and opulent life-style. Now we come to the recent provocation by the U.S. Navy.
Why did the U.S. Navy deliberately send its Aircraft Carrier the USS George Washington into Venezuela's territorial waters if not to provoke Venezuela?
This attempt at saber ratting is not going to scare the Latin American nations, because yesterday is long gone, and they are no longer afraid of the U.S. or its military might anymore. This is not the Gulf of Sidra, Libya, which the U.S. Navy provoked by illegally entering Libyan waters on August 19, 1981 and shooting then down two Libyan Sukhoi SU-22 Fitter jet fighters over Libyan Air Space in the process.
Today Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela are all in the process of forming a common defence force, which in time will be more than the U.S. can handle.
But for the present these countries should invite Russian and Chinese naval forces on friendly visits to their nations. These visits would put the U.S. in a weaker position in the area.
Chavez can then implement his plans to bury the U.S. in the 21st century.
Kenneth T. Tellis
Pentagon seeks authority to train and equip foreign militaries
Will the CIA Kill or Oust Ecuador's President?
Food Prices ‘Massacre’ Of World's Poor - Chavez
'It is a true massacre what is happening in the world,' Chavez said in a televised speech, citing UN statistics about deaths caused by hunger and malnourishment. 'The problem is not the production of food ... it is the economic, social and political model of the world. The capitalist model is in crisis.'
Venezuelan Ambassador's Speech At USF Disrupted
Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- April 25, 2008
During a visit to the Florentino socialist productive- technical centre in Barinas, President Chavez has announced an 300% increase in white and yellow maize cultivation compared to the last 10 years under the Fourth Republic (1988-1998). In the nine years of the Bolivarian government, Chavez points out, production has increased with a daily average of 8,000 kg per hectare compared to 3,000 kg per hectare under the Fourth Republic. Chavez details that in 1988 maize production was around 1.2 million tonnes nationally and in 1998, 980,000 tonnes, in other words a significant drop of around 30%. From 1988 until today, he continues, there has been an increase reaching more than 2 million tonnes a year. Chavez insists that it is a crime on the part of President Bush to use maize production to produce ethanol for cars because it " converts food for people into food for cars of the rich." The President promises that one day Venezuela will be exporting food to other countries.
Venezuelan Observatory of Prisons (OVP), Humberto Prado says he agrees with the measure taken by the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) to annul certain articles of the Criminal Code that will allow prisoners enjoy alternative measures to fulfill sentences. Prado recalls that his organisation and other civil society groups have campaigned against what he refers to as the "unconstitutional" criminal code reform, ever since the "National Assembly (AN) in 2005 denied citizens those rights by presenting a reform without consultation from one day to the next." The prisoners benefiting from the TSJ ruling will be those who show good conduct, study, work, are active in sports and cultural activities and with a positive and nonaggressive psychological profile.
Opposition Venezuelan Criminal Forum (FPV) leader, lawyer Gonzalo Himiob says the TSJ ruling is provisional because it depends on the agreement of several government entities. The lawyer alleges that the TSJ decision was not definite and people should understand that it's political and not juridical. The injunction lodged successfully by organizations and families of prisoners, the lawyer argues, can be revoked at any moment and is subject to the approval of local authorities and government bodies. Himiob is leading a campaign to free Metropolitan police chiefs accused of ordering the death of citizens during the events of April 11-13, 2002. The officers have been remanded in custody awaiting trial, which has suffered constant delays.
Central University of Venezuela (UCV) electoral commission president, Tony Chacon has announced the start of the electoral campaign to choose the new university authorities. The first round of voting will take place on May 9 and should there be a second round, it will take place on May 16. The enrollment of candidates for rector, deans and professors' representatives before the faculty council closed on Wednesday. Those voting will have a choice of four lists of candidates to choose from.
State Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson is expected in Caracas today to meet President Chavez to discuss the freedom of three US citizens kidnapped by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). According to a spokesman for the State Governor, Richardson is on a humanitarian mission, which has been officially approved by the State Department. However, a communique insists that Richardson is not an official emissary of the US government. Richardson has stated that he thinks that President Chavez could play a positive role in securing the release of the hostages and that is the reason why he is embarking on a mission of dialogue with all parties involved in the conflict. The three US citizens work for a US security company, which, it has alleged, is a subcontractor for the CIA.
According to a study released by the national commission for police reform, only 52% of police officials are actively involved in police work, that is, citizen security. It has emerged that 48% are employed as bodyguards for personalities and institutions. The Attorney General's Office fundamental rights director, Allis Boscan has made it be known that this situation will change once the national police law comes into effect. One of the advantages of the new law, Boscan states, is to unify the dispersion that currently exists regarding the role of the police. At the moment, there are 123 different police forces in Venezuela, which Boscan says, will not change.
Patrick J. O'Donoghue
Venezuelan government may be planning to issue a decree suspending all mining concessions
"Just as Ecuador did recently. That possibility exists," Sánchez told BNamericas.
Sánchez mentioned the possibility since time is almost up for the Venezuelan government to approve a mining reform through President Hugo Chávez's enabling law, and as yet there have been no announcements on the issue.
The enabling law allows Chávez to rule by decree on a broad range of issues for 18 months as of February 2007, bypassing the legislative branch.
"However after the enabling law expires, the president can still draw up a bill and present it to the national assembly for discussion, but that would complicate the process much more," Sánchez said.
A draft mining reform law drawn up last year by the ministry of basic industries and mining proposed that a private company can only participate in mining by forming a JV with the state, where the state holds the majority.
Venezuela is host to several operations including the Choco 10 gold mine, owned by Canadian Rusoro Mining (TSX-V: RML), Anglo American's (LSE: AAL) Loma de Níquel mine and gold mines run by state-owned Minerven.
The country also is home to the 20.8Moz Las Cristinas gold deposit owned by Toronto-based Crystallex International and the Las Brisas copper-gold project held by US miner Gold Reserve which contains 10.4Moz gold and 1.3Blb (589,670t) copper.
Venezuelan Opposition Student Leader to Receive $500,000 Award from U.S. NGO
On the back of recent oil-driven GDP growth, growth in the total assets, client loans and client deposits in Venezuela were ranked first
Kenneth T. Tellis: Espionage is espionage no matter who does it, so lets cut with the 'Bull' and make it simple.
Well he got a lot more money for the same job that Benedict Arnold did. But they are certainly in the same category. Both were traitors to their country in the pay of a FOREIGN POWER. It just goes to show how far people will go in their lust for adulation.
Yon Goicoechea was an agent provocateur working on behalf of the U.S. in Venezuela, and so he certainly merits a prize.
I never knew that the betrayal of your country was a prizeworthy deed. Look at what happened to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for their treasonous actions? Now the U.S. is giving Yoni Goicoechea of Venezuela an award for services rendered to the U.S. in Venezuela.
So what was so wrong with the Soviets spying in the U.S., if the Cato Institute a front for U.S. neo-cons is doing exactly the same thing?
Espionage is espionage no matter who does it, so lets cut with the 'Bull' and make it simple.
The U.S. government puts a lot of money into its overseas espionage operations. It was quite clear that the U.S. had a hand in the defeat of the Venezuelan Referendum of December 2, 2007, as can now be seen. Since There were no Human Rights involved in Yon's actions of December 2, 2007, it is now up to other countries to get involved in the coming U.S. Presidential Elections in November.
If the U.S. can dabble in the politics of other nations, then other nations can dabble in U.S. politics.
Kenneth T. Tellis
Iran and Venezuela have signed 15 cooperation pacts ... particularly the industrial and economic sectors in Caracas
U.S. navy to re-establish fleet to cover Latin America, Caribbean
Plunge in mining company shares show vulnerability to politics
Venezuela’s Chavez plans to bury old empire of USA
Cato Institute: Yon Goicoechea has been awarded the 2008 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Dr. Odeen Ishmael: South American nations to form security alliance
However, there is a broader objective behind Brazil's new initiative to establish defense pacts, not only with Guyana, but with all the South American nations.
In mid-March Jobim informed the foreign affairs committee of the Brazilian Congress of his impending visits to South American countries to address regional security issues and discuss the Brazilian initiative for the creation of a South American "security council".
The minister explained in greater detail the objectives behind the proposed South American security council – which he stressed would not be a military alliance – when he addressed the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies on March 21 last. There he stated:
- "This council would contribute to creating a South American defense identity. It's obvious that South American identity will take into account, of course, the three main areas: the Amazon, the Andean and the Rio de la Plata areas, and this concept would be based on common principles: respecting sovereignty, self-determination, territorial integrity of the states, and non-intervention in internal affairs. . . .
- "This council could have – and Brazil's proposal is in that line – the following attributions: articulate measures of increasing security trust in South America, including common defense politics; . . . preparation and training of the military all over the Americas; military exercises – joint military exercises; joint participation in peacekeeping operations of the UN; integration of industrial bases of defense; joint analysis of aspects of the national and regional and sub-regional situations in the areas of security and defense as well as the possibility of coordinated action when we face risks and threats to the security of states; and articulation and coordination of positions in multilateral forums on security and defense. . ."
Through the South American security council, he intimated the continent will have a forum "to debate its issues, including humanitarian actions that should take place, coordinated by the council itself." Such debates will then result in "concrete actions that might lead to development and peace in the region, essentially taking into account that freedom coincides very much with economic development."
The idea of a South American security council – a South American version of NATO – was first proposed by Brazilian President Lula da Silva with strong support from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez after the Colombia-Ecuador diplomatic crisis at the beginning of March stoked tensions across much of the Andean region. The resolution to the crisis through the intervention of Latin American leaders was widely hailed as a significant achievement for Latin American diplomacy.
Lula and Chavez advanced their discussions on this proposed security alliance when they met in Brasilia on March 28. Clearly, both Brazil and Venezuela feel that the proposed council can serve as a forum where matter of defense and security will be discussed, especially when political differences between countries lead to crisis situations. It is also viewed as a mechanism to ensure protection of the region's natural resources in the light of the rapidly rising commodity prices worldwide.
During his visit to Caracas on April 14 to further discuss the proposal, Jobim said that South America, while not engaged in an arms race, has a right to strengthen its armed forces since the region should have military power to strengthen its position internationally.
This assurance of non-involvement in an arms race can go a long way in reassuring the region's citizens that financial resources will not be diverted away from social projects and especially food supplies at a time when prices are rising rapidly across the globe. There is also the persistent worry that increased military spending can divert resources from the regional fight against poverty and inequality.
Already, there is a prevailing opinion that too much is being spent on the military in the region. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), which analyses arms expenditures worldwide, Venezuela increased its military spending to $1.92 billion in 2006, an increase of 67 percent over the 2003 figure. Brazil, on the other hand, spent an estimated $13.5 billion in 2006, an increase of 13 percent when compared to its military expenditure in 2003. And Colombia, involved in a civil war against Marxist rebels, has a modern US-supported military and its arms budget, as a proportion of GDP, is even larger than the military expenditure of either of its two large neighbors.
As expected, the proposed South American security alliance has raised some apprehensions in Washington since it will be a pact that excludes any involvement of the United States. On the other hand, media analysts on defense and security issues feel that these concerns are unfounded, noting that if the US attempts to inject its influence such action may result in undermining Brazil's leadership in the process and pushing the alliance to take anti-American positions.
Undoubtedly, Brazil possesses real military clout in the region. Its military tradition bears significant influence in the body politic, its military-industrial complex is well established with the region's largest arms and ammunition industry in the region, and for decades it has provided service for military forces on the continent. The Bolivian army, for example, uses Brazilian vehicles, parts and service, while the Colombian Air Force utilizes the Brazilian-built Super Tucano jets in its war against the FARC guerrillas.
The summit of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), convening in Brazil on May 23, will no doubt discuss in detail the proposal for this security alliance. In the end, the leaders of the continental bloc are expected to approve its establishment after their defense ministers agree on its terms of reference. Whatever is decided, even if it is not in totality with the objectives laid out by the Brazilian defense minister, it is clear that UNASUR will firmly advance itself as a major player on the international stage.
Dr. Odeen Ishmaei
(The writer is Guyana's Ambassador to Venezuela. The views expressed are solely those of the writer.)
Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela
The Organization of American States (OAS) and The Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (Alba) both have reaffirmed full support to Bolivian President Evo Morales by rejecting separatist movements in that country. Breakaway political and economic authorities in Bolivia's Santa Cruz department propose to hold a referendum on May 4 on the separation issue. OAS political affairs secretary, Danielle Dante Caputo fears violence in the province and says it is important to take advantage of existing spaces of dialogue to avoid deaths and violent confrontation.
In Caracas, President Chavez has said that the extraordinary summit of Alba is a special occasion to ratify members' unconditional support for Morales and his government in the plans to defeat destabilizing plans. The separatist intent against Bolivia, Chavez proclaims, violates its constitution and laws. The Santa Cruz state governor and economic powers have rejected Bolivia's constitutional progressive constitutional reform that favors the poorer majorities and the danger is that apart from Santa Cruz the provinces of Beni, Pando and Tarija will also secede from Bolivia. The separatist movement, therefore, involves four of nine departments.
Opposition student leader, Yon Goicoechea has been awarded the Milton Friedman liberty award. Goicoechea says the money will be used to set up a foundation to train new leaders in Venezuela. The student was one of the main protagonists in protests to support Radio Caracas Television (RCTV) whose license was not renewed by the government. He will travel to New York where he will receive the award on May 15 at the Waldorf Astoria hotel. The $500,000, the student leader pledges, will create a school of leadership for freedom where the themes will be public services, overcoming poverty and seeking effective mechanisms to overcome public insecurity. The award is sponsored by the Cato Institute and its president, Edward Crane highlights the " extraordinary contribution of the 23-year-old student in promoting freedom in Venezuela."
Foreign Relations Minister, Nicolas Maduro has stated that relations between Venezuela and Iran are an alliance based on a pluripolar world of the future. Closing the fifth Venezuelan-Iran mixed commission meeting, Maduro says it sends out a good message because the commission is an alliance that builds peace, development, and industrial, food, energetic and scientific-technological independence. Six important legal instruments were agreed to during the sessions and both countries sides have announced the setting up of a technical commission to help the development of the Apure-Orinoco axis.
The main topic of the extraordinary summit of the Bolivarian Alternative to the Americas (Alba) was the world food crisis. The presidents of Bolivia, Nicaragua and Venezuela and Cuban Vice President, Carlos Lage slam Capitalism as responsible for the crisis. President Chavez insists on the need to guarantee regional food sovereignty and security, pointing to the critical situation in Haiti. Chavez says Alba is ready to respond immediately to any plan or petition, referring to the latest summit of the Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in Brazil. The Presidents at the Caracas meeting have set up an agreement to implement cooperation programs in food security and sovereignty within the Alba framework. The agreement will cover cereals, such as rice and maize, cooking oils, beans, beef and milk, as well as water and irrigation. Two other agreements were reached during the summit, namely to create an Alba marketing network and a fund to boost food priority in the Bank of Alba costing $100 million.
President Chavez reports that there are more than 1,500 Cuban agricultural experts in Venezuela helping to recover and put into production more than 2 million hectares of idle land. Nicaragua will be sending bullocks to Venezuela, which is preparing a quarantine station in Paraguana before sending the bullocks to Apure to cross with Venezuelan breeds. On April 26, agriculture ministers belonging to the Alba organisation will meet in Managua.
Patrick J. O'Donoghue