Saturday, September 13, 2008

President Hugo Chavez Frias should first seek out enemies in his own administration's 'inner circle' who plan to overthrow him!

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: Nuevo Camino Revolucionario (New Revolutionary Path) congressman Luis Tascon has advised President Hugo Chavez Frias to seek out enemies in his own administration's 'inner circle' (Praetorian Guard) since it is there he will find those who are planning to overthrow him.

Tascon was expelled from Chavez' United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) earlier this year for having denounced current IRS/Seniat superintendent, Jose David Cabello on a series of corruption allegations of diversion of resources from the Infrastructure Ministry, a portfolio that Cabello had previously held.

Tascon says a replay of the April 2002 has already begun. Back then, he says, the coup plot came about because the former Interior & Justice (MIJ) Minister Luis Miquilena and General Manuel Antonio Rosendo had initiated an armed strategy to topple Chavez with the covert support of the CIA and the US State Department. "Things have not changed, and the Head of State is failing to direct his 'artillery' at the real target ... the danger lies inside his government rather than any perceived outside threat to his physical security. There are those who seek to betray President Chavez ... behind every conspiracy is a betrayal ... President Chavez must as who would take power if they managed to overthrow him ... who is in charge of the National Electoral Council (CNE), the Attorney General's Office, the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) ... he must find out who would be in charge after a successful assassination attempt ... then he will find the answers!"

The controversial congressman says that false-flagged revolutionaries in Chavez Frias' immediate conclave of "friends at the top" have gained greater access to the President and that the true "traitors" are those in the new party (PSUV) who "blew" him (Tascon) and several of his closest colleagues out of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

"Many of those who swear allegiance to the new power structure are taking over the organization of the political party, but they are not 'Bolivarian' -- only in name -- but rather they are ombudsmen to their own special (nefarious) interests." As regards the government's claims to have recordings of telephone conversations between soldiers who they believe are plotting a coup d'etat, Tascon says that it is assuredly an invention to protect a pro-government infiltrator, who may have been present at a meeting where the idea of magnicide was raised. Nevertheless he will participate in a special parliamentary commission that is to investigate and clarify what has happened.

"I will demand, as is my entitlement, to hear the alleged recordings and all elements that may serve to reach the truth ... the local and regional elections are to be carried out soon and the State must therefore make sure that there will be no disruption for Venezuelan citizens to exercise their right to vote."

VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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