Sunday, September 21, 2008

An immense give-away, pure and simple ... to the public, the liabilities ... the corporations keep the goodies!

VHeadline's Washington DC-based commentarist Chris Herz writes: Yesterday this writer had the honor to attend a gathering in Baltimore City at which spoke the Green Party candidate for the US presidency. This event was actually hosted by the Nation of Islam, aka the Black Muslims. Apparently no more mainstream venue is possible to a non-Democrat, non-Republican candidate for the chief magistracy of the Union.

A black woman, former congressional representative Ms. Cynthia A. McKinney spoke many wise and prescient words ... she surely revealed herself as she is: One of the most carefully trained and fully experienced analysts of the existing foreign policies of the USA, one of its fiercest critics and one of the most talented designers of what, in the unlikely event of a sudden outbreak of sanity here, might be a fit replacement for the present of one murderous rampage followed by another.

She's a person of much more advanced scholarship and insight than her colleague, Condoleeza Rice, presently leader of our US foreign policy ministry, but indeed the impoverishment of the USA is measured NOT by the meltdown of its most famous financial institutions, but rather by the poverty of the solutions being advanced for the repair of the mess.

Church-like, the Nation of Islam had organized this event to advance its thesis that mass-violence, drug abuse, and ordinary smash-and-grab crime afflicting the US African minority is best addressed by a turning inward by individuals to a moral rearmament, a God-based cultivation of self respect.

And God, knows, given what I know of the abuse suffered by this our historically most prominent minority, I could never say a word against these things. Yet to confine the argument to this level, valuable as it may be does not go far enough!

Just as Germans could define themselves in the 1920s and 30s as Germans because they were not Jews, so also today can the US majority define themselves as 100% American by the fact that they are NOT Black. Were it not for the presence of this easily-seen, easily-disparaged minority among us we would all be Irish, German, British, Italian or what-have-you. Our country could never have become as culturally unified as it has.

Just today, released figures from Stanford University begin to show the dimensions of massive resistance within the US majority to the possibility of a Black president. This survey relates to the conservative and mealy-mouthed Barak Obama of the Democrats: Just by reason of his race, it appears most unlikely he will be elected.

Still more will this ingrained and visceral dislike extend to a serious-minded truth-teller like McKinney. She is thus utterly, completely and permanently beyond toleration for most US citizens. Precisely why I shall cast my one little ballot for her.

Africans resident in the USA -- whether born here, naturalized or visitors -- are always targets of every sort of police, corporate, and criminal abuse. This will not change ... except to grow worse yet as the whole nation is immiserated in the coming economic holocaust.

And of that let us now speak.

As the weekend progresses, and the financial markets are NOT in session, the outlines of the bailout of the surviving large banks and other corporations is becoming apparent. What it boils down to will be a financial dictatorship of the US Secretary of the Treasury, former bank apparatchik, Henry Paulson, who will be immune from challenge by any other office or officer of the government. The enabling legislation will allow him, for a term of two years, all powers needful to confront the giant financial crisis.

He may print money. He may place corporations into such forms of receivership as he deems useful. He may alter the budget and appropriations of the Congress as seems needful. He may even accomplish a cherished personal goal: The expropriation of the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds.

All this with review by either courts or other Adminstration agencies explicitly forbidden in the legislation.
  • No one in the long history of the USA has enjoyed such powers ... even Franklin Roosevelt, our president during the Great Depression certainly had no such powers.
All factions of our policy elites have ruled out, decisively, any ideas but a purchase of the toxic debt instruments at an high enough price by the Treasury to assure the survival and eventual prosperity of the private business organizations responsible for creating the mess.

Despite all the blather about some new form of socialism -- and in my own past columns, I have used this term for sarcastic mockery -- government is NOT really nationalizing finance. For were they to do so, they would acquire, as well for all the people, the performing assets of these corporations.

This is an immense give-away, pure and simple ... to the public, the liabilities ... the corporations keep the goodies.

The rubber-stamp US Congress will follow orders in exactly the same manner as they have for war credits: With total obedience.

And with no assurances as to what will be the eventual costs.

From the imperial capital:

Chris Herz


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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