Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Economic meltdown: the sacred market is left naked and freezing in the glare of a very uncomfortable reality...

VHeadline's Washington DC-based commentarist Chris Herz writes:
It must have been like this for Soviet citizens in 1991 following the unsuccessful coup d'etat against President M. S. Gorbachev as their whole polity splintered around them. Just as the mantras of the triumph of Communism, the inevitability of Soviet world hegemony had led them to believe in the eventual triumph of Marxism-Leninism the peoples whose nation spans eight time-zones across the heartland of the world were left bereft and leaderless.

So now it is with the peoples of the USA ... our sacred mantra, our credo unifying our nation, was the so-called "free market".

But now this sacred market is left naked and freezing in the glare of a very uncomfortable reality. It never was free. For at the end it was sustained at home by police and abroad by armies. It enjoyed from the beginnings of the Republic onwards every form of state subsidy. And now it asks of the state which it has always disparaged the very last shreds of a national patrimony.

This, identical to the Russian problem is not really an issue for the rest of humanity. You beyond our frontiers (and I am utterly uninterested in writing for my silly countrymen) are quite free to take the very well supported point of view that the prosperity of the USA was then, now is and always will be based upon its ability to extract from others, first the Red Indians of our own homeland, then Latin America, then anywhere else our military could dominate, the needful resources required by our elite. Which then trickled down to the rest of the citizenry.

You are free to point out that sober voices from within our own homeland have been for two generations now pointing out to our own electorate that our traditional polity was alike morally unsupportable as well as merely economically unsustainable. But where at least the Soviet people were rightly able to claim that a totalitarian state had silenced them the peoples of the USA have no such excuse.

Or perhaps I should say, one people, the majority of the USA have no such excuse.

Most of our white, Anglo citizens live now in ex-urban or suburban enclaves. They or their fathers immunized them from the possibility of contaminating contact with the lesser breeds by a move to the outlying districts made accessible by the gasoline-powered automobile.
This is the core constituency for the Busheviki. Or now for the Democrats determined upon a "centrist" position.
These are the supporters of the Fascism of the 21st century.
These are the reasons why if the USA still possesses the ability to field an army to plunder and rape the countries around them, it shall do so.
These are why, a minority of one, I support Hugo Chavez Frias, and Fidel Castro Ruz.

From the imperial capital

Chris Herz


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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