Monday, September 15, 2008

Crystallex installed sewer system four years ago, that it was never put into operation ... water only come in tankers, electricity fails all the time!

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: Former Bolivar State governor (and candidate for re-election for a further mandate in November elections) Andres Velasquez has visited El Dorado, Kilometer 88, and Santa Elena de Uairen as well as disparate indigenous communities across Sabana Grande where, according to a press release issued by his election campaigners, he has enjoyed popular support in face to face campaigning across the vast region of southeastern Venezuela close to the border with Brazil.

He has urged regional leaders to deepen dialogue and help to cope with the changes in Venezuela's political climate: "No matter what the differences between our peoples, we are going to vote, and do the best we can to do battle against what is happening in the country. By participating in the electoral process, we have a mechanism to reject and defeat (current Governor) Rangel Gomez ... we must punish him in the ballot box ... we cannot remain indifferent ... they will have to get their luggage ready to leave since we will be the next governors of the people."

Velasquez says his candidacy brings together the most important consensus, as expressed in the support of most parties and social movements, and that he also won in the primary polls to decide a united (opposition) candidate as the democratic alternative.

In El Dorado, Velasquez pledged to reinforce the labor of the area's campaigners with a multidisciplinary team composed mainly of women and youth, and used the occasion to encourage a meeting with a group of indigenous peoples, who, according to Velasquez expressed support for his candidacy as the only candidate who really wants to improve the quality of life in their communities, building schools and promotion basic services and health.

In a report published in today's editions of Correo del Caroni, Velasquez stresses that in the case of the Kilometer 88 mining town, he was struck by the dramatic increase in cases of malaria in San Isidro and San Fabiano parish communities: "the transnational Crystallex had installed sewer network four years ago, but that it was never put into operation ... water only come in tankers, electricity fails all the time, medicines are abandoned and the garbage collection service is very poor ... problems which, together, allow for the outbreak of diseases and epidemics in the mining sector."

Despite confrontations in the past, Velasquez says that when he arrived in Santa Elena de Uairen (on the Brazilian border), he attended the anniversary of Accion Democratica (AD) to spend some time with their activists since it is one of the parties that has expressed resounding support for his State government proposal. "These elections (November 23) are the most important in recent years ... even greater than that the referendum seeking to reform our nation's Constitution."

VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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