Monday, September 15, 2008

Cecilia Sosa Gomez: "Chavez is afraid of what's happening in the Armed Forces ... support is crumbling ... he looks increasingly like a cornered rat!"

VHeadline Venezuela News reports: Former Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) president, Cecilia Sosa Gomez, now identified strongly with the political opposition, has come out vehemently against President Hugo Chavez Frias, especially after his 'Yanqui de mierda' harangue, last Thursday, in the wake of his decision to kick US Ambassador Patrick Duddy out of Venezuela and to recall Venezuela's Ambassador to Washington DC, Bernardo Alvaro Herrera.

Sosa Gomez says "its clear that the President is afraid ... I fear the prospect of the November 23 elections fear has affected him and he is anticipating the same result as when the Venezuelan people gave a resounding rejection" to his Presidential decree impose 26 changes in the law under special Emergency Powers.
  • "He is very much afraid of what is happening within the Venezuelan Armed Forces ... their support for him is crumbling and now, he looks increasingly like a cornered rat!"

Ex-Chief Justice Sosa Gomez was speaking at the opening of a Venezuelan Penal Forum "paquetazo" protest forum in Porlamar on Margarita island, called by the political opposition to discuss eventualities to discuss eventualities and action to take against the controversial Presidential Decree enacted earlier this year.

As an acknowledged expert on Venezuelan constitutional law, she notes that there are many legal ways to abrogate what has been considered to be a back-door method to reform the 1999 Constitution ... "Any judge may initiate legal action to suspend any rule that is considered to be contrary to provisions in our Constitution."

Sosa Gomez recalls that the Inter-American Commission recently asked the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to be forceful in rescue operations to achieve the rule of law in Venezuela and for the President to abide by decisions of the Supreme Court to reinstate judges who had been illegally removed from office.

Speaking at the Venezuelan Penal Forum, representative Monica Fernandez also noted that, in recent months, the people have been able the better to appreciate the vices of totalitarianism in the national government. "We see it in their drive towards centralism, control of the civilian militias, the deficiencies in our general economy, and a total disregard for national sovereignty."

"The best weapon that exists at this moment in time is the November 23 elections ... we have to have stamina and political muscle ... we must NOT fall into the government's game of destabilization, and we must be especially vigilant of the actions of the National Electoral Council (CNE) to make sure that they do NOT change the date or the rules of the game."

VHeadline Venezuela News


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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