Thursday, September 11, 2008

What is the general politico-economic quintessence of the Damocles Sword hovering over humanity?

VHeadline commentarist and University of Los Andes (ULA) political sciences Professor Franz J. T. Lee writes: According to a DEBKAfile Special Report, also confirmed by Venezuela, two Russian Tu-160 strategic supersonic bombers landed in Venezuela; also the 'Peter the Great' nuclear-powered heavy missile cruiser is on its way to Venezuela. They will participate in test exercises and flights in the Caribbean international waters, in front of the coasts of Venezuela.

On September 9, Russian military sources have reported that the "nuclear maritime reconnaissance/anti-submarine warfare turboprop TU-142 (NATO coded Bear F, or Bear J), which can fly 6,500 km, i.e. from Venezuela to the US coast, will also be based at a Venezuelan military airfield."

Meanwhile US president Bush has canceled the civil nuclear treaty with the Russian Republic. In the Middle East, in the imperialist bulwark of corporate global fascism, Israel's senior ministers are conferring urgently on the immediate future of Iran as Uncle Sam greedily continues to mass his air-naval might in Middle East waters. At the same time, far away, the North American 'Sixth Fleet' is steering towards the coasts of Georgia. Pakistan is cutting supply lines to NATO troops in Afghanistan and Indonesia sensing the coming danger, was getting cold feet, and simply retired from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

  • In our latitudes, Brazil is getting nervous about the approaching United States 'Fourth Fleet' ... however, Argentina and Brazil are considering no more to convey future bilateral commercial business in the sick US dollar, a currency that is backed only by crude, open, international terror and violence.
As the famous German philosopher Immanuel Kant would say: things are really changing themselves towards full recognition. The local, national and international class struggles are separating the wolves from the sheep, the sheep from the goats, master from slave. Even the traditional Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) is being caught in this international maelstrom, in spite of a myriad of bitter historical lessons, it now also welcomes class collaboration, consensus and alliances. This negation of permanent global workers' class struggle blinds us, does not enable us to see what the above-mentioned international belligerent phenomena signalize: Venezuela, beware of a possible Orwellian writing on the wall of coming devastating nuclear wars.

What is the general politico-economic quintessence of this Damocles Sword hovering over humanity?

* It is simply that the bell is tolling for ruling class history, the process of exploiting and exploited labor, of production. It came into existence a few millennia ago, its self-destruction has reached its zenith, and now it merits to pass away into galactic oblivion. No savior on high can still stop its rapid decay.

* What the labor process is, how it transforms itself into capital, and what are the tendential laws of the development of capital and capitalism; starting with Marx, hundreds of Marxists have already explained the whole process in detail. To understand history, to comprehend what is currently going on, is to understand who we are, what really is life on planet earth, is to feel the coming danger of human extinction, is to see who are the real, arrogant, war criminals.
* To know what has led to this international crisis, is to know the five pillars of our transhistoric labor existence: economic exploitation, political domination, social discrimination, mass genocide and human alienation. These are the names of all the warships which sail the seven seas. In defense of war economies, of big business, of the production of arms of mass destruction, we have the current immense world problem. It is worsening by the minute, as capital (including the US dollar) itself fades into nothingness, destroyed by its own contradictions, corruption, merging, competition, centralization and monopolization: in a word, by fascism.

* Within world fascism, the workers of the world can never ever emancipate themselves. The species man has verified scientifically that it can create new things never done before. Billions of us were forbidden to demonstrate our novelties, our brilliant emancipatory abilities and faculties, never dreamed about before. For centuries millions of sapient Latin American and Venezuelan flowers were born to blush unseen, to waste their emancipatory sweetness on the capitalist desert air.
It is now or never, either we create scientific, philosophic and sapient socialism or we fade away into eternal, fascist barbarism.

Franz J. T. Lee


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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