Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The United States of America in its dying spasms ... what sort of regime will succeed the present US system?

VHeadline's Washington DC-based commentarist Chris Herz writes:
Well, the Empire is in full-scale financial meltdown ... and like the former Soviet Union, a bloated system of command military economics is headed for the ash-can of history.

The only questions remaining are two: How much damage will it do to others in its dying spasms? What sort of regime will succeed the present US system?

The ownership of the USA have seen some of this coming. This is why they decided to permit the neo-liberals, neo-cons or whatever you wish to call these criminals in the Bush regime to advance their adventure in Iraq -- remember?

This war was, we were all assured back in the spring of 2003, going to be financed from the proceeds of the captured oil. And yes, within the Secure Homeland these crooks needed as well the "reform" of the personal bankruptcy laws -- to hold the mass of the population in debt-peonage. This is why they needed the Patriot Act, with all its "tools" to facilitate the suppression of domestic dissent.

Naturally, these things are all acts of desperation by the proprietors of a dying state. The only comparable event in modern history being after Dr Hjalmar Schacht, president of the Reichsbank went to Hitler in the spring of 1939 to inform the dictator that Germany would be in bankruptcy within the year ... largely due to her excessive expenditure on armaments. The Nazi response was to precipitate World War II, four years before their own planning indicated the Reich would be fully armed and ready for the global conflict. The Fuehrer correctly understood that only a wartime command economy, only wartime powers, could ensure for a few years more the survival of his regime.

Someday, when/if all the now-secret files are opened we will see similar nastinesses revealed within the processes of the late great USA.

No matter the results of the surge or any of the other propaganda gambits, in point of fact, the USA has NOT garnered appreciable public profit from the Iraq war. Perhaps some corporations and individuals, exploiting the near-perfect corruption, which is today's Washington, have done quite well for themselves, but these are for the most part excused from even basic taxation. The US economy, as an whole, has taken a massive hit. In other words, there is NO disguising that Iraq is a tactical defeat, in the sense that the original goals of this war have not been attained, and whatever happens now, cannot be attained.

The partial resurgence of Russia, also indicates the failure of another cherished project of our sociopathic rulers ... and that is their replacement of Moscow as the economic powerhouse and political master in the former Union Republics of Tadjikistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. To say nothing of the essential pipeline nexus, Georgia.

The United States of America has gone a republic too far.

  • Nor should we fail here and now to mention the success of Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Honduras, following Cuba, in at least a partial secession from the Empire.
The threatening credit blizzard is the symptom of the sort of neo-liberal, neo-conservative, imperial group-think characteristic of our best and brightest for two generations now.

What must happen next, sooner now rather than later, is that the vast superstructure of paper debt masking the real US economy must evaporate. Remember how we were all told in the 1980's how the USSR was the second largest economy in the world? Well, when the debts were called, and the command economy collapsed her real economy proved rather smaller than that of Brazil.

So it will be in the USA. At least two generations of crime and malfeasance, even within the terms of their own capitalist ideology, on the part of our corporadoes and their allies among the hereditary elites will reveal a looted nation with an economy only half; a third; a quarter of its purported size. Take your pick: The regime for decades now has been cooking the books. No one can tell with any certainty how deep will be the collapse ... but that it will be very deep, very profound no one can now doubt.

Just as Hannah Arendt and other brilliant scholars of European Fascism were, in past times, able to show us with utter clarity how the rise of Hitler and Mussolini were based upon the economic destruction of the middle classes in their respective countries, so also will historians of the future describe the rapid descent of the USA into its own sort of Fascism: "Wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

The outlines of the successor state to the defunct republic are already clear. The largest single faction of voters are those mobilized by wacko Protestant/Dominionist cults around the need to support the Empire, its uselessly bloated military and its even more uselessly bloated plutocracy.

The collapse of the USSR did NOT do away with the nomenklatura of the Communist Party. No, indeed, these individuals merely used their positions to assume personal ownership of the public properties which they already managed. Something similar will happen within the corpse of the USA. We here will get what we richly deserve: Government by our very own mafiya.

But what is equally certain is that for years to come a profoundly anti-democratic regime will have lost its power to lord it over other peoples and other nations, looting them so as to for a while mask from its own people and all others its essential spiritual and moral as well as merely economic bankruptcy.

This is why this North American writer, perhaps a minority of one, supports without reservation the attempts of the Bolivarians, whatever their mistakes, to break with the Empire. Now is their moment.

The years to come must be fraught with hardship for everyone, every people, every nation. We face the collapse of the traditional world economy, and perhaps even unparallelled ecological disasters. Great sufferings are inevitable ... but we must all bear in memory that East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania all escaped the grasp of the Russian bear at the moment of the dissolution of the USSR ... an horrible shadow was lifted from the heartland of the world.

  • Now is the like moment for Venezuela and for all of Latin America to seek and secure their own future as independent peoples.
Therein lies yet the gleam of bright hope for humanity.

From the imperial capital:

Chris Herz


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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