Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- September 16, 2008

President Chavez has welcomed a letter sent to him by French President, Nicholas Sarkozy expressing interest in promoting "regular" and "intense" political dialogue between the two countries. The President read part of the letter during his Sunday radio address, indicating that French companies are interested in investing in Venezuela, and proposing transference of technology. Sarkozy points to the performance of the Alstom company, which has been in Venezuela 30 years and is prominent in the extension of Metro rail lines. The first round of talks will begin on October 2-3 in Paris.

The new ambassadors to Nigeria and Russia have been announced. Enrique Fernando Arrundell James will run the embassy in Nigeria and Hugo Jose Garcia Hernandez in Moscow.

According to TV political talk show presenter, Jose Vicente Rangel, a retired Venezuelan General is passing information to Colombian Defense Minister, Juan Manuel Santos on Venezuelan military purchases from Russia, China and Iran. Anti-Venezuelan activity has increased in Colombia, the journalist claims, pointing to the highly political activity of Dictator-for-a-Day (April 12, 2002), Pedro Carmona Estanga, who organizes constant meetings with Venezuelan opposition politicians visiting Bogota. Former Army C-i-C, Raul Baduel has also been active holding meetings with Santos, Carmona and an association of retired military officers. During his latest visit to the Colombian capital, Baduel gave a conference against the government at the Universidad Arboleda where Carmona Estanga is visiting professor.

At an emergency meeting of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) in Santiago, Chile, Heads of State issued a strong declaration of support for the government of Evo Morales in Bolivia. The concluding document known as the Santiago Declaration symbolically highlighted the coup against Salvador Allende, 35 years ago in the same building where the meeting was being held. The signatories affirmed that they will not recognize any situation that implies an attempt to produce a coup d'etat, break the constitutional order, or that compromises the territorial integrity of Bolivia. It condemns an attack on government installations by groups seeking to destabilize Bolivia's democracy and demands the immediate evacuation and return of the buildings. The document also condemns the massacre of 30 persons in the Pando Department. Unasur has responded positively to a petition from the Bolivian government to send a delegation to undertake a partial investigation of events. The South American leaders also agreed to set up an open committee coordinated by the presidency to monitor dialogue sessions led by Bolivia's legitimate government.

President Chavez has welcomed the Unasur decision, stating that for the first time South Americans are showing that they are capable of understanding each other and seeking solutions in common. Describing the meeting as "splendid" and "extraordinary," Chavez was full of praise for Chilean President Michelle Bachelet who presided over the meeting.

The military commander of the Puerto Cabello garrison, Vice Admiral, Juan Jose Mora has dismissed declarations by the director of Citizen Control NGO, Rocio San Miguel that State Governors and Mayors will take second place to the recently created Major Generals in charge of integral defense regions. The Vice Admiral says there is no clause in the law, which states that military commanders will usurp the role of state governors or mayors, adding that the government is organizing a number of conferences to debate that particular issue, along with others contained in the new law.

Patrick J. O'Donoghue


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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