Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kenneth T. Tellis: Remembering 9/11 ... do we live in a world conditioned by selective amnesia of 35 years ago?

VHeadline commentarist Kenneth T. Tellis writes: The world is today remembering the airliners that crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the field in Somerset, PA and the Pentagon, in which close to 3,000 ordinary people perished ... it was claimed that this was the work of Arab terrorists, but no REAL proof positive has ever been given. Accusations have taken a major role in the story of September 11, 2001, even though NO proof was provided. Hearsay has been part of the story and we have been conditioned to what the Bush regime claims is the TRUTH ... their TRUTH.

IF we want we can go back to the BIGGER STORY of the September 11 that has deliberately left out of all the NEWS that we have received from all the news media controlled by the U.S. government and those allied with it.

On September 11, 1973, began a plot hatched by the Nixon regime which brought about the death of close to 30, 000 Chileans. Yes, that is the 9/11 that we should remember. On September 11, 1973, a coup d'etat was planned by the Nixon administration to overthrow the elected government of Salvador Allende Gossens who believed in democracy ... but that was NOT enough to save him or 30,000 other Chileans from a terrible death.

  • The plot was approved by US president Richard Milhous Nixon, and it was being discussed at the US Embassy in Santiago, Chile, by Heinz (Henry) Kissinger, US Ambassador Nathaniel Davis, General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte and a few Chilean army officers who had been bought by the Nixon regime.
The plan was a coup d'etat to be carried out by General Augusto Pinochet Urgarte of the Chilean army, the police and other auxiliaries. The first was to bomb the Presidential Palace in Santiago and kill President Salvador Allende Gossens; this was followed up by the arrest of all Leftist elements. The night that followed was a long night in which whole families would disappear without any trace at all. Most were taken aboard transport planes and literally thrown into the sea to drown. The intelligencia was immediately under attack, there too, university and college students became the enemies of the State to be tortured and killed at the pleasure of the authorities. The Pinochet regime was plainly and simply put a Fascist government that was loyal to the Nixon regime.

What brought about the 9/11 coup d'etat in Chile?

Why of course the US Corporations ... when President Salvador Allende Gossens nationalized mining in Chile he had angered ITT, which asked help from the Nixon regime to get rid of what they felt was a trouble-maker. Thus, Nixon asked his Secretary of State, Heinz (Henry) Kissinger to find a way to get rid of the elected-President of Chile. Kissinger did not lose a moment, and soon began contacting officers of the Chilean army to help him. The senior general of the Chilean army refused Kissinger's request to overthrow Salvador Allende Gossens and within a few days Kissinger had him assassinated in front of his office in Santiago.

If those who plotted the crashing of the airliners into targets in New York, Pennsylvania and the Pentagon were terrorists who supposedly killed close to some 3,000 persons, then the overthrow of the elected government of Chile and the murder of 30,000 Chilean men, women and children is the greater crime.

  • This crime was never paid for by the US government and those responsible for it literally got away with murder.
Today, we should be remembering those 30,000 forgotten people of Chile who died in the 9/11 tragedy in 1973 ... NOT just the 3,000+ who died in the United States of America.

What has happened is that the 30,000 Chileans have been conveniently forgotten because the US government killed them ... but the 3,000 who were killed in 2001 are remembered because it happened in the United States of America... Cold Blooded can those who killed 30,000 be, to pretend that it never happened.

Who cries for those 30,000 Chileans that were murdered by the United States of America?

Kenneth T. Tellis


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.



  1. Back in the late 1960's we, the United States, had a rash of airline hijackings of Florida bound flights to Havana....

    Around 1969 or 1970, the FAA suggested.... the airlines that they reinforce their cockpit door.

    The airlines... naturally.... did nothing except to cry poverty...

    Now consider...
    If airline cockpit doors were reinforced in the early 1970's....
    9/11 could not have been pulled off....

    Yet one never sees reference to this in any of the tame media....

    By the way... the true friend of corporate interests at the time was Nixon

  2. .
    Yes, Pinochet was a scumbag, a rare Right-wing Dictator. We should remember the 30,000 murdered in Chile too. We will never forget. Thank you for reminding us.

    People must never forget. We must never refuse to recognize evil.
    we will NOT forget
    you 9/11 victims
    will get justice
    painful truth -
    9/11 should be our
    wakeup call
    get Bin Laden -
    we just need big SWAT team
    and search warrant

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    there is no good or evil

    everything's relative
    don't judge a terrorist

    All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
    Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
    Help Halt Terrorism Today!
    We will NEVER forget!

