Sunday, February 17, 2008

Time for the U.S. to come to its senses and accept its fate as a former World Power

Finally Chavez has got it right.

He can sell Venezuelan Oil to any country that he wants, and none of them will refuse it.

Any misconception that if Venezuela does not sell its Oil to the U.S. it will suffer, is just old wives tales.

You chaps in the U.S., even at Bloomberg, better get used to the idea that the U.S. is no longer in the drivers seat, and that the world has finally come to its senses.

Why would anyone want to be paid in US$ when It's well on it's way to the bottom?

Time for the U.S. to come to its senses and accept its fate as a former World Power.

Kenneth T. Tellis

1 comment:

  1. Of course, it's not that the U.S. oligarchy has to "come to its senses" -- its sense are just fine, than you very much. Fact of the matter is, this "elite" is the enemy of the entire people of the planet -- and their interests are not ours. In any sense.
