Saturday, February 23, 2008

Kenneth T. Tellis: Some people never give up....

VHeadline commentarist Kenneth T. Tellis writes: Today I read a letter entitled: 'Cuba relies on naive tourists," By a Hungarian émigré name Judit Kovacs of Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec, Canada. The letter was from beginning to end a diatribe against Cuban socialism.

Judit Kovacs begins her letter mocking Lynn Pecknold's accounts of her recent trip to Cuba, who praised her Cuban guide, because he was satisfied with his life in Cuba.

When Judit Kovacs spoke of Hungary, where she claimed that the people had to repress their opinions in order to survive, because Hungary then was a Communist State. But Judit Kovacs did not tell you that the Capitalist Hungary of today is far worse then the Communist Hungary of yesterday. Why does she not visit present day Capitalist Hungary and see for herself what suffering this NEW system has brought on the people of Hungary. Where in the past, people had food, shelter and work, they now are without shelter, food and work. The streets of Budapest, and other urban areas now have the homeless and beggars. Welcome to the NEW victims of Capitalism, which exploits the weakest of Hungarian society. There is garbage to be found on the streets and black-marketing is in full swing, because the GREED of Capitalism has infected the masses through the news media, which now controls the minds of people.

Let Judit Kovacs cross the border into the U.S. to see for herself how Capitalism has made people not only destitute, but starving and homeless. This is the U.S.A. where you cannot have an opinion, without the POLICE arresting you for violating the law set down but the NEW WORLD ORDER or loosely the BUSH REGIME.

Where the U.S. Constitution is not worth the paper it is printed on.

Dream on Judit Kovacs, because you live in la la land, and cannot face reality. The way you praised CAPITALISM, is a joke, because it speaks of the mindlessness of some people, who refuse to challenge the mess that Capitalism has brought upon our safe peaceful world.

Today, both Socialist Cuba and Venezuela have been called Communists by the Bush regime and its stooges. Why?

Because they have alleviated the suffering of the common people and brought EDUCATION, HEALTH, EMPLOYMENT and a standard of living far out-pacing anything in the U.S., where even war veterans are out on streets of New York begging.

That maybe good enough for Judit Kovacs, but sure as hell, isn't good enough for most of us with any intelligence.

Kenneth T. Tellis

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