Saturday, February 23, 2008

God is speaking to us again through the vocal chords of the grand-international elite-machine ... one chord (twang!)

VHeadline commentarist Oscar Heck writes: Now we're talking! God is speaking to us again through the vocal chords of the grand-international elite-machine one chord (twang!) being ... which coincidentally has a "shopping" page selling all sorts Godly-priced, God-prescribed stuff like DVD, CDs and books such as "The Screwtape Letters," not to be confused with, "The Screwyou Letters" or "The Screwme Letters" ... hey, they won't mind the publicity, I'm sure ... otherwise how could they maintain their white-Christian standard of living.

You and I know that no one is going to follow in the footsteps of a penniless, shoeless, whore-friendly "loser" … like Jesus, right?

Anyway, back to the issue at hand ... Well, okay ... first, there is something else ... the website states, "Christian Today upholds the dictum found in Matthew 5:37, "Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes', and your 'No', 'No'". In the midst of immensely secularised teachings of the gospel, Christian Today partakes in delivering only the veracity of the words of Jesus Christ."

What the heck does that mean? Here is the verse in its context … according to the New American Standard Bible (I didn't know that Jesus was an American.):
"Again, you have heard that the ancients were told, 'YOU SHALL NOT MAKE FALSE VOWS, BUT SHALL FULFILL YOUR VOWS TO THE LORD.' 34 "But I say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, 35 or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING. 36
"Nor shall you make an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. 37 "But let your statement be, 'Yes, yes' or 'No, no'; anything beyond these is of evil."

I still don't get it ... and maybe this is the idea behind the Christian Today website, which is probably owned by Jews anyway.

Well, back to the matter at hand ... Cuba Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez "the sugar daddy," Christ and the White Christian.

A recent article in Christian Toady states, "Many welcomed Fidel Castro's resignation this week as a long-awaited opportunity for democracy to finally take root in the communist stronghold. But Christian human rights groups were more reserved in their hopes, expressing uncertainty if positive changes in the country's religious freedom will occur under Cuba's new leader. Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) USA director Tom White, for one, is not impressed with Castro's likely successor, his 76-year-old brother Raul. "Castro's brother, Raul, is the one who would shoot prisoners in the head with a 45 pistol if they weren't altogether dead," White said to Mission Network News. "So that's the kind of person, perhaps, who would be inheriting the transfer of power there.""

What kind of statement is that, especially coming from a "Christian?"

I mean, shoot them in the head if they weren't altogether dead? What were they dying of? Cancer, syphilis? A suicide attempt? Isn't everyone dying every minute we live?

Is this White character implying that "the prisoners" were tortured to near-death ... and if torture didn't kill them, then Fidel's brother would shoot them in the head? Sure sounds to me like that is what he is saying ... but then one has to wonder why he is saying this, right?

Continued, "White was captured by Cuban authorities in the 1980s after the plane, from which he was dropping Christian leaflets, crash-landed on the island. He was tortured and sentenced to 24 years, but served only 17 months before he was released. International pressure and a personal appeal from Mother Theresa to Fidel Castro helped secure White's freedom."

What was the US government spy (White) ...oops, did I say spy -- doing throwing propaganda leaflets all over Cuba?

Imagine if some bozo out there were flying around in a plane over your local neighborhood dropping porno leaflets on your property and the property of others? Now suppose that this bozo did this daily, weekly, monthly, whatever ... how would you feel? I mean, don't you think that this porno-clown would be arrested and sent to jail ... or would your friendly Christian neighborhood be happy to indulge ... and allow the clown to continue messing with the minds of your innocent children?

Not that I am equating the white Christian religion with porno, but I am.

Anyway ... how easily this Christian article says, "But the former victim of Cuba believes that for the most part, Cuban Christians will be left alone to worship as they have been, even if no improvements take place under the new leader. "In my opinion, it would cause a total revolution on the entire island if they started smashing up the poor Christians," White commented."

What is this White character talking about exactly? Smashing Christians? I guess bozoman, the porno-leaflet-thrower has never been to Cuba (except for when he crashed there) ... or if he has ... he is lying through his teeth, and probably in the name of the God of the US-UK government, whoever it might be.

Actually, I can almost assure you that he has never legally been to Cuba, otherwise he would not be implying that Cuban Christians have to hide to worship. I have been to Cuba many times, and so have many hundreds of thousands of Canadians, Europeans, Latin Americans, Asians … and ... Americans? Oh, sorry, no, not really. A few Americans have been to Cuba, including some honest Christians, but not too many, because the US of A has made it illegal for a normal American person (Christians included ... yes, Christians are not extraterrestrials) to go to Cuba under penalty of imprisonment.


Anyway, the only group of people in the world that I can imagine would "smash up" the "poor" believers in God, are the American Christians ... just like they are doing in Iraq ... "smashing up" (not to specify, murdering) hundreds of thousands of innocent God-believing Iraqi Muslims.

For Christian readers out there who know nothing about Muslims or Islam or the difference between them ... and for those Ameribrit Christians out there who continue to think that Iranians are Arabs, I have news for you. The God of Islam is exactly the same god as the God of Christians. Que espantoso!

Muslims, for your information, also believe in Jesus (but not in the same way) ... but ... their God is the same God that Christians pray to ...and the same God that Jews pray to.

So, you see what I mean? Here are a bunch of white Christians praying to God asking Him to annihilate a bunch of far-away Muslim "terrorists" while a small group of Jews pray to the same God to grant them a profitable military contract while a whole bunch of poor Muslims (who are indeed not terrorists) are praying to the same God to defend them from the savage Christians toting Jewish arms.

Imagine this?

One is speaking in God's left ear saying, "Dear God, please help me get rid of those terrorists" whislt at the same time in His right ear, He hears, "God, please protect us from those mad white men," and into God's third ear, "God, I don't care who shoots who ... just give me the contract."

Wouldn't you get sort of confused? I would. I am sure God is really confused after having had to deal with human beings for so long.

Then this oh-so-Christian article screwletters around with your brain (and mine) stating, "Cuba legally bans house churches, but thousands of them openly hold services and activities without harassment"... bla bla bla ..." ... in a message to Cuba's Catholic bishops."

Am I going nuts here? First Cuba represses Christians, but then Christians in Cuba are free to worship un-harassed, then all of a sudden Cuba has Bishops. Where did they come from? What is this?

Make up your minds, why don't you.

No wonder God appears to have given up on humanity. Jeez. Maybe She resigned and handed over Her reign to Her brother or something.

Then this White, probably wealthy, probably Christian American ... yeah, the same bozo-the-lying-porno-clown ... says, "Pray that [Christians] continue to exhibit the same kind of courage in their poverty. They knock the walls out of their houses and convert them into little house churches. Pray that they continue to be inspired and have creativity."

Sure, sure ... would you tear the walls of your house down if YOU were poor? Certainly not, unless you are a total idiot. Every block and brick and sack of cement cost you three arms and twenty-five legs. Your wife would shoot you, or cut it off, not to mention what your mother-in-law might do to you (if you are inclined to follow that anti-mother-in-law crap).

Not only that, imagine a home with no walls? That would scandalize one's Godly eye!

Tell me how would the good Christian husband and wife create Christian babies in the same room where their own Christian children, their Christian mother-in-law, their Christian grandmothers and Christian aunts are sleeping?

Say, I guess I must ask a Christian Ameribrit to ask God to provide me with a logical answer … or should I call my friend Abdulah ... hummm ... I wonder which call God will take first. I guess I'll go with Abdulah.

Oscar Heck

1 comment:

  1. And appearently Jesus was also British, or maybe the Second Coming already happened(just don't tell today's U.S. Armageddonites
    ) as King James must have been Jesus because he put out his own version of the Bible called the King James New Testament Bible.

    But here is why these Protestant extremists think they are "entitled" to so much wealth(and why the U.S. is so greedy)-can you say "Calvinist"?
