Wednesday, June 18, 2008

United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) agrees on 13 candidates to run for state governorships

Caracas Daily Journal (Jeremy Morgan): The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) has agreed on 13 candidates to run for governor in just over half of the country's 23 states amid discontent among some of the minor parties who also support President Hugo Chavez. And in any case, it's not all sweetness and light even inside the PSUV.

Party vice president Alberto Muller Rojas said a committee had been set up to deal with the cases of two incumbent governors who are deemed guilty of indiscipline – Eduardo Manuitt in Guarico and Luis Acosta Carlez in Carabobo.

Manuitt has been in trouble with the top echelon at the PSUV for quite some time, and was told not even to think about running for office on the party slate. He added to his difficulties by backing his daughter, Lennys, to succeed him. She ran up against former minister Willian Lara in the primaries and lost.

Acosta Carlez had hoped to run for re-election but for reasons that have yet to be explained was told to desist but didn't. Rumblings were also heard in Vargas state, where Muller Rojas has confirmed another former minister, Jorge Luis Garcia Carneiro, as candidate. Hermes Ramirez took issue with this, alleging the primary in Vargas was fraudulent and that he would resign from the party.

Muller Rojas said the party leadership didn't intend to throw people out of the party -- and he claimed lots of others wanted to join. People shouting fraud were solely intent on "de-legitimizing the Bolivarian state" and Venezuela's electoral system, he claimed.

As to the minor parties, they're still grumbling about the PSUV trying to have it all its own way in the selection of candidates. Patria Para Todos (PPT) talks about nominating its own candidates for governor in six or seven states, openly expressing doubt about the PSUV's intentions towards its partners in the Chavez coalition.

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