Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Venezuela moving by inertia ... government ended 2008, began 2009 campaigning and all else in the country remains paralyzed!

VHeadline Venezuela News reports:
In an editorial published in today's edition of the Venezuelan political e-publication Descifrado, the authors say "the country is moving by inertia ... the national government ended 2008 and began 2009 campaigning in such a way that the country has remained paralyzed!

Descifrado continues: No legislation, no government, only decrees ... decrees only worsen things ... sooner or later the world economy crisis will reach us. In fact, even though the government has not acknowledged it, you can feel it already. The progressive fall in oil prices over the last six months is an indicator that the Chavez administration disregards time and again.

But you cannot hide the sun with a finger ... it's already been a month of the new year, and the needed corrections have not been made to delay the effects of recession on Venezuela.
The Venezuelan Central Bank (headless up until now) issued a statement last week containing the monetary policy for the first trimester of the year. The measure would be applauded if it weren't because the "decision" says nothing. Ministers, their subordinated officials, (National Assembly) deputies and civil servants in general are permanently campaigning, following in President Chavez' footsteps ... and he has not drawn the line at using all resources at his disposal to promote his option, the YES option, in a referendum to approve an amendment to the constitution that will allow all elected officials to be re-elected indefinitely.

Since they are all campaigning, those that cannot be involved ... such as those working at the National Electoral Council (CNE) ... disregard violations of the Constitution and the Electoral Law by not taking (appropriate remedial) actions to punishing the violators.

In a scenario of zero GDP growth, and where inflation will reach 50% (according to private sector estimates), the government maintains an astounding inertia, as if nothing were happening. To date, February 3, not even the tributary (taxation) unit been adjusted and without changes, it will negatively affect the government's January income ... no one mentions this!
Meanwhile the country -- with the addition of an improvised public holiday --
stands idle until February 15 until the Chavez government's euphoria fades
away (por ahora! for now!) and it begins making decisions.
The bad thing about all this is that everything will then come together at one time ... perhaps!

VHeadline Venezuela News

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