Sunday, February 1, 2009

Reverend Obed Juan Vizcaino Najera: The hypocrisy of Venezuelan Opposition terrorists...

General Fernando Ochoa Antich is worried about payment delays in the Defense Ministry, but he's not scared when proposing violence and death in our country on the day of the referendum.

"The United States seem doomed by destiny to
spread misery in America in the name of freedom."

Simon Bolivar.

The Reverend Obed Juan Vizcaino Najera writes: The possibility to listen to some of the wiretapped conversations between Opposition leaders in Venezuela, brings us the opportunity to find out how little they care about their own people ... they just want to use them in their efforts to regain control of our country and its wealth.

The saddest side of this is to watch helplessly how these guys receive salaries and benefits from the country they betray every day. Fernando Ochoa Antich -- Minister of Defense under (President) Carlos Andres Perez -- urges an active Venezuelan military man to promote violence so the population cannot vote.

Confronted with this fact, what's the reaction of the Attorney General, the Supreme Court of Justice or the National Electoral Council? Absolute impunity! ...and this impunity generates more crimes against the people and the State.

What's the national and international media coverage on this apology to electoral crime and widespread violence? Nothing, absolutely nothing ... and they're co-responsible for generating violence ordered by the USAmerican embassy in Caracas.

Ochoa Antich represents the OLD militarism that still survives in some sectors of the military, that has deep conspiratorial connections with leaders of the past Fourth Republic ... they managed to remain inside the high ranks of the military as moles, obeying orders from old retired military sectors as paybacks for privileges and undeserved promotions. They'll choose violence using weapons they've managed to sneak into the country via the regional and municipal police forces they still control ... they're using demobilized paramilitary forces from other countries in Venezuela.

These drunken, alcoholic generals are dangerous because in full "delirium tremens" they might order the slaughter of the people to prevent the expression of popular vote.
This retired general (Ochoa Antich) DOES have someone who calls him and writes to him (paraphrasing Garcia Marquez' novel, N.T.). People call him from the (current) Defense Ministry to keep him up-to-date about what happens at the top of the government ... especially in the higher echelons of the military, and this is very dangerous.

What can the Defense Ministry do about this? Let's hope there's no more impunity since it's sovereignty and state security what's at stake here.
"Gorilla" militarism is in the minds of those officers who were trained in terrorism procedures and counter-insurgency at the criminal US School of The Americas.
Some of them are on the payroll of the USAmerican State Department, as is the drunken general as per the wiretapped conversation. They're conspiring from within the Defense Ministry against the Venezuelan State and people. Many of them own properties outside the country and barefacedly live in luxury compared to other officers in the military.

Isn't that obvious to many?

The commitment of the Opposition to the culture of death is disclosed in the (bugged) conversation between an ex-Defense Minister and an active member of the military ... they are committed to terror policies sponsored by the USAmerican Department of State, and the ultra-radical USAmerican right-wing, whose orders they blindly obey ... channeled through well-seasoned terrorist US agencies dispersed by G. W. Bush in Latin America and more specifically in our country.

A free people never forgets!

Obed Juan Vizcaino Najera
Maracaibo – Venezuela

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