Sunday, February 17, 2008

The total investment by US society in permanent warfare is truly breathtaking

VHeadline's Washington D.C.-based correspondent Chris Herz writes: There are many reasons to suspect that the chief domestic task of the next US President and Congress will be to cripple Social Security and Medicare ... their major foreign affairs goal must be the reassertion of US hegemony in Latin America.

Moody's Investors Service, the famous bond rating agency have already announced that they will down-grade US public securities unless the Social Security outlay is drastically reduced.

For months now, every official "think tank", corporate media outlet, and major corporate executive speaking to this subject has echoed the same the same theme ... and each surviving candidate has indicated that he has heard his or her master's voice.

We are all to understand the disarray in US public funding has nothing to do with two unendable wars 10,000 kilometers from our homeland. No indeed. It is the result of overspending in the social sector.

Certainly the swollen "defense" budget, larger than any since World War II; loaded with all the ships and military aircraft necessary to defeat a Soviet invasion of Europe via the Fulda Gap has no more to do with the embarrassment of our public finances than the tax relief which for the last 30 years and more has been provided to the ultra rich and to the corporations.

Even more interesting is the bi-partisan approval of the domestic spying on the whole population by the National Security Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This indicates the the corruption-in-charge in Washington understands the mild level of restiveness now rampant within the once totally docile population and they are willing to take the needful steps to gauge and measure this discontent.

No candidate "liberal" or "conservative" has addressed this problem nor any of the other abuses of constitutional prohibitions so characteristic of the present administration.

There is a quiet consensus among our rulers that these measures are the necessary domestic compliment to the new Hundred Years' War in which we now find ourselves engaged.

The Iraq campaign has shown, with all its problems, that US power can rapidly defeat the regular military defenses of any target country. And the subsequent occupation need accomplish nothing but keeping the captured population divided, in turmoil and more or less physically separated from its oil. Which resource can then be stolen freely.

Future US military interventions will be overtly organized around this program, and all pretenses to to what we already contemptuously describe as "nation building" abandoned.

The total investment by US society in permanent warfare is truly breathtaking, and irregardless of which faction takes power in January, 2009 this total commitment to piracy will continue and even expand, as the social security funds become completely taken over for military purposes.

The State Department and the Treasury are full participants too. They work with clandestine services and private corporate interests to the destabilization of potential targets like Venezuela and even more interestingly they are now engaged in disciplining allies in Europe and in the United Nations.

The former arrogance of the Bush Administration in deciding to ignore potential allies and their imperial interests has been lately and completely replaced by a much more pragmatic attitude. There is even some willingness to share a little of the boodle, so long as the US President can remain Thief-in-Chief.

The present conflict between EXXON-MOBIL and Venezuela shows the seamless manner in which such conflicts will be conducted for the forseeable future. The tame courts of Europe and the USA will issue their decrees and the rest of the apparatus of the corporate state will swing into action to enforce these decrees.
  • First by civil methods, then by subversion, finally by outright military aggression until the goal is attained.

And here fairness dictates that we point out that in the past when civil litigation in US or other courts was the least bit inconvenient to the conduct of US diplomacy, as in civil suits for the benefit of victims of terrorism sponsored by Libya or Iraq or the Palestinian Authority a quiet word from the CIA or the State Department was sufficient to quash the matters.

The oil-producing countries of the Middle East, all of Latin America and all of Africa must face the probability that they will continue to be assaulted in whatever manner is expedient by our Imperial Forces for the purpose of control of their natural resources.

Especially but not exclusively oil.

Furthermore these assaults will be increased in number and in severity.

Under no circumstances whatsoever is this massive corporate/military machine to be dismantled. So long as there was a Soviet Union there was a Red Army.

So long as there remains the United States of America there will be the Corporate Marines, Army, Navy and Air Force.

Chris Herz
Washington D.C.

1 comment:

  1. First thing: the likes of Moody's -- and all of Wall St. and the City of London for that matter -- must be nationalized and their/our assets seized. Enuff of this monstrous system of organized theft and murder. We actually have to aim and plan for this -- and not just meekly think it's a 'good idea' for some indefinite future. These bastards do have plans. Which involve our future -- and many of us not surviving that, if we let them.

    Second thing: capitalism doesn't have 100 years -- tho' a 'Hundred Years War' for control of the entire planet is exactly what they are aiming at. But AFAIC capitalism doesn't have even 50 years. We'll be done with it, one way or another, long before 50 years roll past this date. So get ready to nationalize Moody's ass.

    Third thing: the U.S. military machine, even with its "allies" in tow, cannot actually knock over every country -- and certainly not a world-wide coalition of the very willing arrayed against them. And in fact, the U.S. oligarchy's greatest weapon was its (totally unwarranted but highly propaganda- and wealth-based) "moral authority" of the recent past. However, it not only no longer has that particular 'edge' in this post-soviet 'new world order' -- its clear fascist intent will work exactly against it. Even militarily.
