Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thank US president, George W. Bush who made it possible commentarist Kenneth Tellis writes: Just consider that while you bring up the rise of inflation in Venezuela, you do not raise the same question with regard to the inflation rate in the U.S.

The havoc caused by the fall of the US$ far outweighs that of Venezuela's inflation rate, but that is quietly overlooked.

Give it few years and the US$ will not be as solid as it once was.

So, in point of fact there may come a day when the US$ may not be worth a plugged nickel.

No wonder many countries are asking to be paid in €'s rather than US$.

The writing is on the wall, except that no one wants to read it in the U.S.

Perhaps, the decline of the short-lived U.S. Empire is at hand.

For that decline you will have to thank your president, George W. Bush, who made it possible.

Kenneth T. Tellis

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