Monday, February 18, 2008

The Price of Dumbing Down Venezuela

All is fair in love and war. No statement ever rang truer in describing the American media. From politicians to celebrities, and even on down to your average Joe; when the political pundits make their mind up about you, all bets are off. And as Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez can attest, the American media can be cruel and downright vindictive.

1 comment:

  1. It's as big a mistake to wring our hands over the bias of the capitalist mass-media as it was for Hugo Chávez to pardon the 2002 coupsters -- and for him to even think this will mean diddly-squat to them and their escualido backers. They will certainly bite the hand that frees them. Rightwingers see reasonableness as only weakness -- to be taken advantage of. They're 'smart', you see?

    Fact of the matter is: the bourgeois mass-media is our enemy. Pure and simple. So let's start treating them as such -- and stop thinking we're ever going to come to any permanent accommodation with our class enemy. That's not how you build socialism.
