Friday, February 15, 2008

Money Sniffing Dog Catches Man With $1.3 Million in Stolen Cash

FBI Agent Albert D. Lamoreaux said in a statement filed in federal court Tuesday that Seymour illegally obtained the cash from a Massachusetts lawyer through a complicated series of transactions. The lawyer, identified only as R.D., was under federal and state investigation in a case involving the misappropriation of $1.99 million belonging to a client. Authorities told the newspaper they believe Seymour was attempting to flee to Venezuela. Besides his wife and five children, he was also taking the family dog, the newspaper said.

1 comment:

  1. Let the capitalist types keep their internecine swindling of each other to themselves. If USAmericans flee to socialist countries for criminal reasons -- they will most certainly be handed back to even criminal shits like the U.S. régime.
