Thursday, February 21, 2008

Kenneth T. Tellis: U.S. Empire, a carbon copy of the Roman Empire

Is the U.S. attempting to rebuild a carbon copy of the Roman Empire? The Bush regime has announced that it is building U.S. Bases in Africa, whereas it already has Bases in South America and the Middle East.

This is no doubt a way of encircling the world and holding it hostage.

Remember how the U.S. accused the Soviet Union of building bases overseas, which was a prelude to creating an Empire. Yet no such accusation is being made by any country. Could the reason be FEAR? Fear that should any country question the U.S. motives for building Bases, they could well receive the wrath of U.S. military power. Thus the only choice is to keep quiet, or face the consequences. So, now the world situation has completely changed, because U.S. military power is controlling it.

The new challenge to U.S. military power is both China and Russia, but they have not as yet deemed it necessary to act upon it. On the other hand the U.S. like it or not has intentions on Iran and Venezuela for their oilfields, which is a source of energy that runs U.S. industry.

The man in the White House does not speak for himself, because he is a servant of the Corporations that really run America. But we must keep in mind, that the ultimate goal of the multinational corporations is total control of all the natural resources of the world, and this cannot be attained by peace, but by war. Under the circumstances the U.S. needs Bases all over the world to ferry troops where ever need occurs. That is the agenda of Industrial-Military Complex that holds power in the U.S and around the world.

When we hear the word COMMUNIST used by the controlled media, we must take that to men, anyone who opposes the control of the world by the NEW WORLD ORDER.

Kenneth T. Tellis

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