Sunday, February 17, 2008

Currently, there may be dark clouds on a Venezuelan horizon but there is still every reason for
optimism if only common sense may prevail in recognition of each country's sovereign right
to independence and its people's control over its own resources against United States tyrrany!

1 comment:

  1. What does "common sense" have to do with this? The Rich want the oil, and what it can buy for them. They want to run the entire planet as their fiefdom on top of it -- and they're willing to slaughter MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people to get their way.

    You don't reason with such people. And you certainly don't cut them all the insane slack that this "socialist revolution" has been cutting them: they'll just cut your throats the first decent chance they get. That's a fact. They're trying right now, ferkrissakes.

    Nationalize their selfish asses. Now.
