Sunday, February 3, 2008

ALBA forces met with caution

ALBA forces met with caution

Vincent Bevins writes: Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez´ proposal on Sunday to form a regional armed forces for the ALBA development alliance has not met with the immediate support that might have been hoped for.

An armed forces consisting of Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Dominica, the members of ALBA (The Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas) was proposed by Chávez in concert with Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega, but has been met with caution by Bolivia.

Minister of Defense Wálker San Miguel said that the proposal "is something that must be dealt with in the heart of the government. We haven´t taken any position, because we haven't even considered the proposal." And Wellington Sandoval, Minister of Defense of Ecuador, which is one of Venezuela's closest allies, though not an ALBA member, said that they could not commit to any proposal that doesn't conform to their historic "thesis of peace and respect for autodetermination."

Neither comment necessarily excludes the plans for the ALBA forces however, as they remain rather undefined except as a general defense against U.S. intervention.

ALBA forces met with cautiongional integration

Vincent Bevins writes: The foreign ministers of South American countries approved Sunday an important step towards the creation of a South American regional integration. Meeting in Cartagena, Colombia, they set a timeline for the meeting of the eleven countries which would constitute Unasur, a potentially very powerful regional organization that could oneday mirror similar entities like the European Union.

Bolivian foreign minister David Choquehuanca, who will hold the presidency of Unasur, said that the first treaty will be signed at the third summit of presidents and heads of state, which will take place "as soon as possible…and in no case after June 2008."

Venezuelan foreign minister Nicolás Maduro has previously accused Colombia of impeding regional integration, as has president Hugo Chávez, by delaying indefinitely the meetings "without any explanation".

Chávez has been one of the most vocal champions of regional integration, and has insisted that South America move to a common currency.

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