Friday, July 18, 2008

Patrick J. O'Donoghue's round up of news from Venezuela -- July 18, 2008

Doctors working in the public sector have been given a salary increase of 30%. President Chavez made the announcement while handing out papers certifying fixed job posts for those working in the government health flagship scheme, Barrio Adentro I and II.. The workers will also receive a one-off bonus of 6 million bolivares, which will be handed out in two parts, August and November.

Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro has rejected the golden-oldie olive leaf from US Adjunct Secretary of State for Latin America, Thomas Shannon. The good-guy of US politics and former Ambassador to Venezuela had stated that President Chavez has reached the limit of his influence in the region after recent events in Colombia. Maduro counters that the tables have turned and that it is North America that has lost its influence and capacity to rule in the region. Venezuela, Maduro insists, does not accept reviews by any Congress and even less so, the US Congress ... "that imperial system has to end." The Minister rejects Shannon's declarations and asks him to show some common sense in redefining relations between Venezuela and the USA.

On the eve of President Chavez' visit to Bolivia today, Bolivian President Evo Morales has announced Venezuela's credit grant of $300 million to build a highway in the Amazonian part of Bolivia. Morales will meet with Brazil's President Lula Da Silva and Chavez in Riberalta, 900 km north-east of La Paz. Bolivia will sign another agreement with Brazil to finance the building of a 500 kilometer highway in the same region worth $230 million. The three Presidents will also sign a declaration supporting the development and protection of ecological balance in the Amazon region.

President Chavez has ordered a change of name for the Finance Ministry. Its new name is the Economy & Finances Ministry or to give it its full name, the Ministry of Popular Power for the Economy and Finances. The change was made official in the Gaceta Oficial No.6.236. Announcing the change, President Chavez says the ministry will have seek as its basic objective an economic project for the construction of Socialism.

Planning Minister, Haiman El Troudi has once again rejected any move towards devaluing the national currency. Replying to calls from the private sector, the Minister rejects suggestions of a devaluation because of dependency on imports and he calls on private producers to stop speculating with products because, he complains, it contributes to hikes in inflation. The Minister maintains that current initiatives with domestic productive sectors to boost productivity will be showing good results shortly.

According to United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) leader and Mayor of Caracas Libertador, Freddy Bernal, the party will push for the controversial constitutional amendment supporting the re-election of President Chavez once the November 23 elections are over. Bernal says the amendment will be put to the country to see if they want the President to be re-elected until 2013. "I believe it is fundamental and indispensable to have Chavez at the centre of the Venezuelan political process."

Comptroller General, Clodosbaldo Russian has been in Brussels visiting European Union (EU) institutions. During his visit, Russian has repeated that bans against civil servants engaged in acts of corruption are nothing new in Venezuela and are supported by the Constitution and laws dating from 1975. Russian's visit is seen as part of the government's offensive to counter numerous visits by opposition leaders to the European Union to isolate Venezuela. The right wing sector of the European Union has been leading the campaign against the political ban that blocks many key opposition leaders who have put themselves forward as candidates in the November 23 elections. Although Russian's contacts at the EU Parliament covered all the political groups, including Spain's right wing Popular Party, effective support was forthcoming from the left wing and green sectors of the parliament.

16 people have been injured, two students arrested and a vehicle torched in protests organized by students of the Pedagogical University in San Cristobal, Tachira state. Students were protesting the death of Merida university student, Douglas Rojas Jimenez and demanding justice.

Meanwhile, students at the private Yacambu University in Barquisimeto (Lara) have closed the university protesting an increase of 30% in enrolments next year. The students claim that the increase is unjustified and excessive. University owner, Juan Pablo Perera replies that the university council had approved the increase, which will allow all the university to continue functioning.

In his weekly column editor/publisher, Miguel Salazar has added a brief comment on the National Assembly (AN) nepotism scandal. Commenting on the AN president, Cilia Flores' own defense statement that all employees working at the AN are "family," Salazar reminds readers that she exaggerates somewhat because it's not the focus is not on 810 employees but only 101 who are either family or friends. Flores says she will defend all employees "hasta la muerte." Flores should show a bit more humility, the editor hints.

Patrick J. O'Donoghue


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.

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