Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Small-scale gold miners in La Paragua are demanding answers from Basic Industries & Mines (Mibam) Minister Rodolfo Sanz

Small-scale gold miners in La Paragua are demanding answers from Basic Industries & Mines (Mibam) Minister Rodolfo Sanz on claims that he is stone-walling any response to their demands. Sanz has imposed a gag order on all ministry officials while more than 10,000 local miners are up in arms over the non-payment of compensation promised by Sanz in mid-April this year on a 2006 conversion of mining claims in southeastern Bolivar State.

Miners representative Alfredo Villanueva says that subsequent to a sit-in at the Mibam regional offices in Ciudad Bolivar on June 4 the situation as remained the same and Sanz' gag order remains in place with claimants whistling in the air for the promised payments of Bs.F. 10,000 each (US$4,657) each.

"The final decision apparently lies with Minister Sanz, but so far he has not opened his mouth for or against ... what we want is for him to tell us what finally going to happen. They say the amount of compensation is not definitive since he must give the final word and that is precisely what we are waiting for. Last time he was in La Paragua, he told us it would be resolved in twenty days ... and nothing happened. We staged a sit-in at Mibam and they asked us to wait ten days more. That's already passed and we now want to know what they will do. "

It is believed that Sanz has blocked further progress at his ministry, ordering everything to remained as it was (before the mid-April meeting).

"All we have got is pure promises and more promises ... not just related to mining issues but in other areas that fall within his area of responsibility in this very important region pf Guayana. We have had no explanations given!"

Villanueva is calling on Rodolfo Sanz to "once and for all make up his mind and to end the ordeal of thousands of parents who are waiting for this assistance ... we demand answers. La Paragua is waiting for Sanz to show his face and tell us what will happen ... he also promised to allocate resources to end the pproblems and had said that he was going to invest in much-needed repairs to Interstate Highway 16 (Venezuela-Brazil) which is in appalling condition ... I think it is time for the Minister to face the music!"

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