Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wolfgang Gonzalez: Venezuela Wants Tag of Democracy

Among images that come to peoples' minds about Venezuela is the beauty of its women, as again proven at the Miss Universe competition in 2008. Oil is another icon, adorning the headlines of many newspapers because of soaring prices in recent months. For Wolfgang Gonzalez, the acting head of mission at the Embassy of Venezuela in Korea, these aren't what Venezuela wants to portray to the world. 'Yes, normally people know (Venezuela) because of beautiful girls and oil, but that's not what I would like Venezuela to be known for.' Gonzalez says Venezuela is a stable country with a long-standing democracy. 'In fact, Venezuela is the longest standing democratic country in the region,' he told The Korea Times during an interview. The South American country is commanded by socialist President Hugo Chavez, known for his speeches and remarks against the United Sates and U.S. President George W. Bush. Stability and democracy are attributed to the popular leader, whose reforms with social philosophy in mind have worked with Venezuelan citizens, the acting ambassador said. 'The majority support him, especially because the social program gives people what they need,' he said. Since Chavez came into power, 'We no longer have illiteracy,' Gonzalez said.

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