Sunday, June 1, 2008

The United States: A Safe Refuge for Terrorists

US territory has become a safe refuge for terrorists. With the consent and protection of the government, well known criminals like Luis Posada Carriles are not only at large in that country, but also enjoy a special status in Miami with a strong personal guard given by the authorities. Outrageous is the word to describe the actions of Washington that give total protection to individuals like Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Pedro Crispìn, Remòn Rodríguez and Guillermo Novo among others, who live in Miami and publicly brag about their criminal actions against the Cuban people. Former Venezuelan vice-president, José Vicente Rangel, recently denounced the fact that Posada Carriles can go wherever he wants and constantly meets with Cubans and US people from the extreme right wing. Despite that the US government has all the evidence about the actions of notorious terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, it has not responded to the extradition request made by Venezuela in 2005. On the other hand, the government released definitively the criminal a year ago; trying him only for migratory infractions without mentioning his long criminal record which includes the blowing-up of the Cuban Airliner on air causing death to 73 persons on board. Falsehood and cynicism are the words to describe the White House's policy towards terrorism.

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