Sunday, June 1, 2008

International observers describe as succesful the PSUV' elections

The international observers have described as sucessful the primary elections carried out by the Socialist United Party (PSUV) this Sunday. According to remarks issued by the ambassador of Nicaragua in Venezuela, who is also representative of the Sandinist National Liberation Front, from the Techincal School Robinsoniana Manuel Palacio Fajardo, Ramón Lets Castillo, the primary elections carried out by the PSUV have been developed succesfully. 'The grasroots are choosing the best candidate in the voting tables for the mayor's office of Caracas, with have a total of 120 candidates, the grassroots have choosen those they consider the best candidates,' Let Castillo said. The observer said that after the electoral journey they will issue a final report in which they will explain in detail the evaluation that they are doing now about this elections.

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