Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dan Russo: Venezuela's Environment Minister Yubiri Ortega de Carrizales is a Devil in Disguise

VHeadline guest commentarist and gold investor Dan Russo writes: I have previously written and alerted readers to a vile and outright heartless person by the mame of Yubiri Ortega de Carrizales ... otherwise known as 'LA DIABLA' -- with complete disregard for what her President may or may not have called George W. Bush at the United Nations General Assembly.

This time she has outdone herself in the hall of shame.

For over a year, she has withheld monies due to evicted poor villagers ... she is in violation of a Supreme Court order handed down over a year ago. Because of her inability and ineptness to manage her own Ministry's budget, she doesn't have the money for these poor, defenseless people.

Why is she still in a position to ruin and embarrass Venezuela is what's being asked by governments around the world? Other cabinet ministers despise her ... the rumor is that she is hanging on by the thread of her husband, the Vice President of Venezuela's tail coat ... without him, I don't think she would be qualified to work at Taco Bell.

Nevertheless, she continues to break and violate laws at the expense of innocent poor people.

As reported, a National Assembly (AN) Committee hearing was held in which the Ministry of Basic Industries & Mines (Mibam) supported a plan by Crystallex to develop the Las Cristinas goldmine in southeastern Bolivar State ... and guess what? that's right! ... Environment Ministry (MinAmb) officials were a no show!

Now, they've been summoned to appear and testify ... so how long will they postpone and drag their feet on this one? Only God knows?

President Hugo Chavez is all smoke and no fire ... Ortega de Carrizales MUST go!

Before it is too late, Chavez needs to step in and show the world that he is in charge of his country and that 'La Diabla' must be removed from office immediately.

Even the Canadian Embassy is beginning to think that Chavez should step in and approve the mining law and allow the necessary permits right now!

After working for 16 years in Venezuela as a socially responsible partner, Crystallex International is forced to file a rebuttal. To prolong the agony of so many Venezuelan people is unconscionable.

Chavez should take off that red shirt and put a pink dress on since he has no 'cojones' if he allows this woman to browbeat him. With local and regional elections only months away, why gamble away his chances to change the constitution to be relected?

Dear Mr. President: "Blow the dust off the new mining law sitting on your desk and sign it, for God's sake!"

As for 'La Diabla' ... so many people have called me over recent weeks expressing such contempt for her ... they can't believe that she could be so callous against her own poor starving people. Some people have suggested that maybe she had a nervous breakdown, maybe her frustrations are more of a sexual nature (lack of) or maybe she is simply a truly heartless person with reallt deep-rooted problems.

I don't have the answers to these questions. I suggest we get Dr. Phil on the case immediately and, by the way, recent pictures of 'La Diabla' lead me to believe she isn't exactly starving.

Dan Russo


Venezuela is facing the most difficult period of its history with honest reporters crippled by sectarianism on top of rampant corruption within the administration and beyond, aided and abetted by criminal forces in the US and Spanish governments which cannot accept the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people to decide over their own future.


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