- Uncle $ugar seems to love the dictators (if they are our "friends" that is)!
- Vice President rules out no hypotheses in CAVIM military arsenal fire
- More cholera cases raise concern among Venezuelan health authorities
- Canary Island President's private visit to Venezuela leaves bitter taste
- Banco Provincial is safe … Casa Propia intervened for bad practice
- MIJ denies any raid on AN deputy Gomez Sigala's residence in Caracas
- AgroVenezuela program gets underway with Bs.F 1 billion first-stage fund
- Ranchers and agricultural producers welcome debt pardon for farmers' losses
- Fire, explosions at CAVIM military depot; thousands evacuated, 1 killed
- Ban on foreign funding leaves activists in limbo about whether they're targets
- Mary Anastasia O'Grady // After the Flood in Venezuela
- BBVA to remain a private bank in Venezuela as executive apologizes...
- Internet Access: Formidable tool to curb and control mass mobilizations!
- London Metropolitan University hosts 1st ALBA-PTA conference
- China Clay mining and manufacturing to begin soon in south-east Guayana
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
- Jeannie DeAngelis // Investing in Venezuela's future
- Venezuela may review licenses granted to foreign oil companies
- Proposed Russian-CVAL banana JV in Zulia comes under fire
- Desperate PDVSA warns JVs to increase production ... or else
- Uruguay and Venezuela sign important agricultural exchange accord
- Higher University Minister welcomes level of dialogue with rectors
- Polar Co. trade unionists plan 5,000-worker march vs. expropriations
- Cases of cholera in Lara State … health bodies on alert
- CITGO launches US poor families' cheap heating oil program for sixth year
- Garbage washed ashore on Venezuelan beaches from Trinidad & Tobago
- Stabroek News Editorial // Pragmatic Mr Chavez
- VenEconomy // Whipping them into submission
- Benedict Mander // Venezuela's private currency war
- Chavez and Uruguay's Mujica meet, sign numerous bilateral agreements
- AN deputy rules out nationalization of banking sector in Venezuela
- Research firm Datos Poll: 70% of Venezuelans rejects expropriations
- Search party plans return to Venezuela in six months to seek missing pilot
Thursday, January 27, 2011
- Colombia and Venezuela prepare joint anti-drugs cooperation accord
- TeleSur president Izarra appoints Colombian Villegas to run TV network
- Rodriguez Araque leaves Electrical Energy -- preparing for Unasur
- Camiven president paints doomsday in Venezuela's mining sector
- Leading private bank works with government to provide housing credits
- Cholera enters Venezuela from the Dominican Republic
- Empreven business sector to build 25,000 houses with government
- CVG-Alcasa worker-president slams trade unions for "silly stoppage"
- President Hugo Chavez assures middle class that he will fight for them
- Venezuelan takeover deals Owens-Illinois loss for 2010
- VenEconomy: An Achilles' heel for the ill-named "Bolivarian revolution"
- VenEconomy: Chavez has become expert at implementing half measures
- Cardinal exhorts Venezuelans to imitate strength of persecuted Christians
- Primero Justicia submits bill to compensate victims of violence in VZLA
- Venezuelan dissenters meet with members of the European Parliament
- Andrew McKillop // Islamic power returns to Tunisia
- Whether it is Caracas, Tehran, or Riyadh that stops the flow of oil to the west
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
- Venezuelan authorities implement plan for delayed and rerouted flights
- Chavez may expropriate Spanish-owned bank for refusing to grant loans
- Venezuelan protesters force President Hugo Chavez to cancel new law
- Venezuela urged to release Judge Afiuni held without trial for over a year
- "Vital areas for housing projects" to be seized by the Venezuelan army
- Human Rights Watch (HRW) report could harm Venezuela's foreign affairs
- Venezuelan central government deficit stood at 4.02% of GDP in 2010
- ALBA ally uncovers PM assassination plot in St. Vincent & Grenadines
- Damage limitation exercise by Bolivarian National Police director Fernandez
- VZLA Peasant Federation's Luis Hidalgo raises concern about census
- Defending Fung's managerial style ... "not to mention the lunacy of Chavez!"
- CICPC arrests two Metropolitan Police officers accused of VIP robbery
- National Assembly (AN) gets ready to grill ministers beginning February 8-9
- US embassy cables throw light on relations with private VZLA media
- Venezuela: To celebrate free expression, Chavez shuts down media
- Venezuelan President condones US$10.3 million debt to farmers
- Venezuela's Chavez insists he needs more time to complete his revolution
- President Hugo Chavez at ex-Smurfit farm with new deals for farmers
- Venezuelan steelmakers call for measures to resuscitate industry sector
- Power outage at Caracas airport ... temporary shutdown, flights rerouted
- Coca-Cola shortages grow as 11-day strike continues at Femsa bottlers
- President Hugo Chavez puts aside mockery of golf as a "bourgeois" sport
- Venezuela will extradite paramilitary hit man "El Mono Candelo"
- United States warns against Hugo Chavez' economic pressures on media
- Franz J. T. Lee // Venezuela: In Defense of the Internet while it still lasts
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
- President Hugo Chavez is blamed for blocking CAP's divorce papers
- Opposition's Andres Velasquez fiddles around with housing statistics
- Farmers gearing up for struggle to keep their properties in western VZLA
- Chavez using Venezuela's judiciary to persecute his political opponents...
- VenEconomy // Ratifying the Central Bank's destruction
- Venezuelan kin reject provisional home for Carlos Andres Perez' body
- Turkey set to cooperate with Venezuela on energy and housing project
- Jose Khan: China cooperation will boost Venezuela's industrial capacity
- Deadline looming for VZLA withdrawal from Andean Community of Nations
Monday, January 24, 2011
- Walid Makled: "Everyone in the Chavez government is drug trafficker..."
- Human Rights Watch (HRW): HR situation in Venezuela is "precarious"
- No clashes reported between government and opposition 23 Enero rallies
- Venezuelan government tackles squatter surge in Chacao (Caracas)
- President Hugo Chavez: We work for the People and the middle class
- CVG-Venalum following Alcasa management process … two new cells
- Health Minister replies to Maria Corina Machado on millennium goals
- Rival marches mark anniversary of VZLA dictator Perez Jimenez' ouster
- Benedict Mander // Chavez wrongfoots opposition with conciliatory tone
- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias: "I will be President until 2019"
- Squatters attempt massive invasion in Venezuelan capital, Caracas
- Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez may quit as PSUV party leader
- Chavez: A tireless champion of the poor and committed Christian socialist
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review // Placating Chavez?
- The truth of PDVAL ... at least 130,000 tonnes of food was spoiled
- Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez won't relinquish special powers yet
- $80 million above market prices for shipping crude in exchange for kickbacks
- Suspended Venezuelan RCTV television channel seeks return to the air
- Walter T. Molano // Venezuela ... Hell on Earth
- Colombia reports lack of cooperation from Venezuela on border security
- Eva Golinger ... Venezuela's "sweetheart" champions Hugo Chavez
- Opposition submits proposals for dialogue in Venezuelan Congress
- Pensions as bargaining chips used to negotiate down salaries and wages
Friday, January 21, 2011
- President Hugo Chavez withdraws offer to limit Enabling law timetable
- Messrs. Diosdado Cabello and Julio Borges duel in parliamentary debate
- Isla de Margarita tourism president Nunez rails against Tourism Ministry
- Former Petrocasa spokesperson Carrera blames delays on bad management
- CVG-Venalum union leaders barricade entrance to plant with their cars
- Joel Hirst // President Chavez and the Organization of American States
- Venezuelan President Chavez won't give up decree powers in Venezuela
- Strategy Page // The Militias of Venezuela
- Anna Mahjar-Barducci // Opposition seeks support in Washington DC
- Turkey's energy minister Yildiz meets Venezuela's President in Caracas
- Case of jailed union leader draws condemnation from HR groups
- Oscar Heck // So what does all this have to do with lies and manipulations?
Thursday, January 20, 2011
- Sunday 1/23 may be make or break for Venezuela ... eventually, America
- Lara Governor Henri Falcon: Opposition has President Chavez on the run
- Dutch take VZLA to court over Fama de America coffee compensation
- Venezuela's rural militia and reservists hold first annual planning meeting
- Tourism Minister: Spanish tourists encouraged to come to Venezuela
- Gang specialized in robbing tourists to Venezuela's Margarita Island
- Ex-CIA operative Luis Posada's English skills at issue in perjury trial
- Venezuelan government guarantees services for rain victims
- Venezuelan parliament calls for debate on Hugo Chavez' Annual Report
- VenEconomy // The Venezuela Banana Swap
- WikiLeaks: Lula was afraid of Venezuela's purchase of Russian aircrafts
- Venezuelan government plans to adopt measures in the agri-food sector
- Far away from Venezuela's Caribbean shores; Anette Göttrick is cool...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
- Opposition compare Dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez with Hugo Chavez
- SIDOR union leaders deeply divided over the latest work stoppage
- Households have been seriously hit by higher inflation in Latin America
- Venezuela hopes for first new output of 50,000 bpd from Orinoco this year
- Venezuelan government says it may regulate private firms' profits
- Basque ETA terrorists move to Venezuela, team up with Colombia's FARC
- President Chavez prepares shelter law to meet national emergencies
- Venezuela: Blackberry cellphones become most coveted and stolen item
- SIDOR to boost production of steel rods for national housing plan
- Fogade president David Alastre: financial system healthy and protected
- National Lands Institute arson -- "political act of sabotage and terrorism"
- Turkish energy minister wants to contribute to Venezuela's oil production
- Housing shortage continues in Venezuela; 300.000 people homeless
- US Drug Czar gives props to Venezuela plan to shoot down drug planes
- Venezuela arrests nine opposition activists on suspicion of INTI arson
- VenEconomy // One of the iron hands behind the silk gauntlet
- VenEconomy // More like an amnesiac's purely fictitious ramblings
- Venezuela's latest PDVSA $3.15 billion bond sale may be tip of iceberg
- President Chavez meets with Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino
- Governor: Rebels commit crimes on Venezuela's border with Colombia
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
- Joe Weisenthal // Finally over for Venezuela and the Chavez regime?
- Internet Access War: Venezuela to connect Cuba bypassing USA
- Opposition deputy: Venezuela's Mercosur entry depends on return to CAN
- Parents struggling with Caracas nightmare; agonizing over dead son...
- What's behind (and beyond) Hugo Chavez' calls for Open Dialogue
- Dissenting governors urge President Chavez to uphold reconciliation
- Venezuelan government controls national stores to avoid speculation
- Venezuela fosters new integration mechanism in Latin American Parliament
- Opposition deputy calls Venezuelan Army's Plan Caura "treasonable"
- Venezuela: Six states hit by electricity blackout … Minister apologizes
- SIDOR not producing enough steel rods for the building industry
- PSUV deputies will continue to push for dialogue and debate
- Zulia rancher leader Carlos Benavides accused of torching INTI building
- New Bolivarian National Police force reduces domestic violence 66%
Monday, January 17, 2011
- Venezuela's President Chavez on "fast-track" to legislate against speculation
- Venezuelan government fails to meet goal of 120,000 housing units
- Naomi Mapstone // Latin America: soap operas or real life?
- Venezuela: Chuao Chocolatier named 2011 Good Food Award winner
- OilPrice.com: Venezuela's oil industry hurting despite huge reserves
- Venezuela's Briqven to invest US$9 million to operate at 100% capacity
- Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz to pay 3-day visit to Venezuela
- Chavez insists that 2011 will see a significant spike in economic growth
- Stone-faced opposition throw olive branches back at President Chavez
- Dialogue offered but Venezuela's opposition keeps its distance
- Opposition MUD plumps for confrontation, ignoring dialogue and politics
- Soto Rojas defends Enabling Law; wants to mark Angostura Congress
- Venezuela: Would we wake up one morning and find the USA gone?
- Venezuela parties warily welcome Chavez olive branch
- Venezuela: Oil reserves surpasses Saudi Arabia's
- Iran, Venezuela and Libya see no harm in $100 oil
- Energy Minister Ramirez: Iran needs Venezuelan gasoline no more
- Venezuela's Chavez willing to let decree powers expire in May
- Venezuela nabs suspect accused of links to violent Mexican Cartel
- Venezuela is considering shooting down planes loaded with illegal drugs
- Williams F1 announces partnership with Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA)
- Workers at the Venezuela's Coca-Cola plant in Valencia on strike
- Americans and British ... two peoples separated by the same language
- Greetings from snow-bound Vellinge in southern Sweden!
Friday, January 14, 2011
- Venezuela angry at Colombia television mocking "Little Hugo"
- Oliver L Campbell // The Bandagro bonds saga
- WikiLeak: Costa Rica suspected Venezuelan spying
- National Statistics Institute is sure that domestic economy will grow
- Venezuela Tax Agency closed 2,022 businesses In Zulia during 2010
- Vargas Llosa: What is happening in Venezuela is catastrophic
- Former Caracas Daily Journal reporter Peggy Voight dies
- Colombian exports to Venezuela slip 70% in 2010
- Venezuela says oil exports fell 6% in 2010 t0 2.32 million bpd
- Venezuela among the countries where democracy has reversed
- Venezuela crude, products exports rise 10% in December
- Dissenters ask for OAS action to normalize Venezuelan institutions
- Venezuela's relationship with the Basque separatist group ETA
- Peter Krupa // The slow death of a democracy
- Chavez urges PSUV to lead the people's struggles
- Romanian drug dealer Pascalau Ilie Tudor arrested in Venezuela
- Ecuador, Venezuela trade using new virtual currency
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
- Spain is certain that ETA members seek refuge in Venezuela
- Ecuador rebuts Insulza's opinion on Chavez' enabling law
- Opposition deputy: Debate on enabling law at the OAS is a step forward
- Nicaragua's Ortega: OAS Secretary-General plots against Venezuela
- Venezuelan Parliament calls Chavez to present 2010 Report
- AN went overboard in an incredibly intense flurry of legislative activity
- VenEconomy // Breaking its own record of incompetence
- President Hugo Chavez says Venezuela has upped proven oil reserves
- Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez urged to renounce new powers
- Venezuela PDVSA developing offshore gas exploration technology
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
- Trade unions call for government emergency in Guayana's basic industries
- Roman Catholic leaders warn of a totalitarian system in Venezuela
- Venezuela state-run Stock Exchange will begin operations next week
- Opposition plans to ask for Venezuela's entry into Mercosur
- Geoffrey Da Silva to be new Guyana ambassador to Venezuela
- Ecuador exports 5,000 tonnes of crude African palm oil to Venezuela
- Venezuela state-run power company hurt by large unpaid accounts
- VZLA government demands US$3 billion from PDVSA to build houses
- AT&T Williams to run 2010 Cosworth FW32 racecar in Venezuela on Friday
- Citigroup's latest report does not rule out another Venezuelan devaluation
- Latin America Monitor: Venezuela ... January 2011 Risk Summary
- Venezuela provides free education to more than eight million students
- US Senator John McCain views Venezuela's Chavez as "undemocratic"
- Venezuela's Catholic bishops rule out calling for foreign intervention
- Luis Posada Carriles trial opens with little mention of 'terrorism'
- Venezuela oil production in 2010 fell below 2003 level
- Venezuela government accuses landowners of using "slave labor"
- Electricity Minister Ali Rodriguez to cut lights at late-paying state-run companies
- Venezuelan steelmaker announces investment plan to expand production
- President Hugo Chavez blasts OAS for 'interference' In Venezuela
- NEWSWEEK: Under duress at home, Chavez tones it down
- Venezuelan bishops oppose law giving more power to President Chavez
Monday, January 10, 2011
- The rhetoric of violence is what has made headlines around the world...
- VHeadline Venezuela news review for Monday, January 10, 2011
- Now locked in a totally dark room, we have no clue about what is to devour us
- Perez' family in Venezuela hopes to have remains returned soon
- President Hugo Chavez calls burning of government building terrorism
- Laurent Labrique // Poverty drops in Venezuela
- Chavez in trouble as Russia and China look elsewhere for energy security
- Posada Carriles will be tried only for lying, says Lawyer Jose Pertierra
- Venezuela: Epicenter of changes in Latin America
- Jeannie DeAngelis // Who will be USA's next ambassador to Venezuela?
- Can Venezuelans throw off their shackles? ...that's an open question!
- Chavez dismisses concern expressed by OAS Secretary-General Insulza
- National Land Institute regional headquarters burned, arson suspected
- Venezuela Defense and Security Report Q1 2011
- A 10-year-old girl has survived a fatal plane crash in western Venezuela
- Eva Golinger // Setting the record straight on Venezuela and Hugo Chavez
Friday, January 7, 2011
- VHeadline Venezuela news review for Friday, January 7, 2011
- Ambassador Palmer is qualified but wrong guy at wrong place at wrong time!
- Stabroek News (Guyana) // Venezuela and 'the Cuban package'
- Relatives ask Miami judge to order body of ex-leader turned over for burial
- Venezuela's Pastor Maldonado in Williams Formula One home demo drive
- Chavez and supporters remain defiant as opponents fill parliament
- Second contraction year for Venezuela; 2% expansion forecasted in 2011
- Venezuelan authorities recapture convicted drug trafficker Larry Tovar Acuna
- Senior US diplomat says Chavez' decree powers are undemocratic
- Peter Kornbluh // Former CIA asset Luis Posada Carilles goes to trial
- Ambassadorial High Jinks: Will Barack Obama cave in on Venezuela?
- Venezuela to buy Azerbaijani oil to meet contractual obligations to Belarus
- Alfredo Bremont // Capitalism has reached its limits...
Thursday, January 6, 2011
- VHeadline Venezuela news review for Thursday, January 6, 2011
- Protests and insults as the new Venezuelan parliament begins 2011
- Patriotic Pole constructing a democratic, honorable, sovereign homeland...
- China clears way for $8.7 billion Venezuela refinery joint venture
- United States-Venezuela diplomatic dispute continues...
- United States rejects Venezuelan President's suggestion of new US envoy
- James Robbins // Venezuela: A divided country?
- Elizabeth Marcano's Ann Arbor take-iut offers a taste of Venezuela
- Paramedic wins bravery award for heroic efforts after Venezuelan plane crash
- Tim Padgett // Why Chavez happened: Carlos Andres Perez' legacy
- Venezuela: What should be debated in our schools, missions and universities?
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
- VHeadline Venezuela news review for Wednesday, January 5, 2011
- Oscar Heck // 62% normal Venezuelans versus 38% money-drones...
- Get me Bill Clinton, says Hugo Chavez after vetoing US ambassador
- Venezuela claims victory in diplomatic row with the United States
- President Hugo Chavez celebrated the holidays with a flurry of autocracy
- President Chavez scraps controversial university law and planned tax hike
- Venezuela says it has nearly paid off its debt to Colombian exporters
- Legal battle looms over body of former President Carlos Andres Perez
- I can see Oscar Heck loves Venezuela ... so do I so we are panas burdas!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
- VHeadline Venezuela news review for Tuesday, January 4, 2011
- Crystallex International / Las Cristinas gold mine ... What happened!?
- Leave it to Hugo Chavez to turn natural calamity into political opportunity
- United States and Venezuela in new diplomatic crisis...
- Matt Gurney // Chavez and the Drug Smugglers
- Chinese offer to build additional rail line for FMO in Venezuela
- Chavez' Lines -- Happy New Year 2011!
- United States may nominate new Venezuela envoy
- Hillary Clinton and Hugo Chavez: the face of Obama's engagement
- New Venezuela parliament faces empowered Chavez
- Venezuela prices up after new devaluation
- Venezuela warns "speculators" after devaluation
- Andrew Mellon // Hugo Chavez takes over the Federal Reserve
- Graig Klein // Hugo Chavez is feeling the squeeze
- President Hugo Chavez highlights people's role in fighting adversity
- Adriaan Alsema // 'Chavez must fight guerrillas to avoid internal crisis'
- Chavez has stirred up Venezuelan politics and infuriated opponents
- Colombia expects Venezuela to extradite ELN-rebel soon...
- Venezuelan leader led his country from prosperity to chaos
- Mike Whitney // Why Washington hates Hugo Chavez
- Shamus Cooke // Last chance for Venezuela's Revolution?
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